(no subject)

Feb 12, 2011 18:32

My cat seems to be on a mission to give me a panic attack / complete meltdown. The other day, she ninja'd outside - and spent three hours out there, so I had to go tromping around looking for her at like midnight, while my over-active brain goes into 'worst case scenario' mode and by the end I'm figuring I'm going to stumble onto her dead body or something...

...and then now she's somehow managed to get herself hurt. She's got like a deep scrape/puncture/cut/something under her arm - like, in that really thin skin area that's I guess like a cat's armpit? And it's pretty big, and bleedy, and we tried putting some kind of medicated stuff we have (that's meant for pets) on it, but I don't know how that worked. It's in a weird place, and she's squirmy and has claws, so we can't really clean/cover it easily, so. It's mostly just waiting it out until the vet is open on Monday. She needs shots, anyway, and she's never been fixed, so. We'll probably get all that done at once. And she's acting okay - kinda quiet / lurky / unfriendly, but I think that's normal? - but. I'm worried. Blah.

...and as I type this about her she climbs up on top of me and curls up. I guess she's  not doing too terrible. <3

panicflail!, cats, :(, i have a kitten and her name is jules, askjlam, *flail*

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