(no subject)

Feb 01, 2011 19:29

Lethargy is not very fun. I have things to do - housework and RP and writing my article being just the basic things, never mind making jewelry or listing new things on Etsy or figuring out how to get my GED - and just taking a shower takes all my energy for the day, and leaves me wanting to sprawl around in bed doing something mindless.

And additionally (possibly relatedly, but I'm not sure) I still feel like crap. UTI that isn't a UTI according to tests, ovaries trying to murder me, migraines practically every day... all of these things spiking my anxiety pretty high... It is very annoying.

And if I don't do dishes or things like that, when my mom gets back from work she'll throw a fit and that doesn't help anything, either. She doesn't believe me when I say I feel like death, she assumes I'm trying to get out of doing work. Which I'm not, really, because I would much rather do the work than sit through the "you suck" lectures.

The amount of effort it's taken to write just this post is ridiculous. Ugh.

And my inner Sam wants pancakes, like, yesterday. I'm not even close to up for trying to make them.

The only good thing about today is the epic chai.

crisis!, apparently i have anxiety issues, failing at life, sleepy erin is sleepy, sometimes i worry a lot, whining, my internal organs are evil, madre is silly, this post is pointless, epic fail, weird health issues?, blah, beverages are good, my ovaries hate me, erin is dead, we're all going to die!, headaches suck, there are no pancakes sam, what's an immune system anyway?, *is dead*, brainmelt, dead = bad

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