Jan 30, 2011 08:34

  • I am not dead.
    • Well, no, okay. That's kind of a lie. See, I died, but was revived in this terrible science experiment, and so now I'm kind of like a zombie, but with less decomposition, a slightly greater range of vocabulary, and a strange desire to take over the world.
  • My life is dramatic.
    • I don't even know how to begin to explain the latest round of 'WTF DRAMAAAAAZ~' at this point, so suffice to say that people are ridiculous, and I get a great thrill out of laughing at them and their dramatic nonsense that could all be solved if people would say sensible words when they have issues with people.
    • It's like when people say things are like train wrecks, only substitute 'train wreck' for 'Twilight fangirls' and you have my opinion of all this. It's hilarious for all of the five seconds it takes for you to realize these people are serious. And then it's just scary.
  • I am bad at life.
    • And by life I mean things like sleeping, eating, not feeling crappy, realizing that when I feel crappy i should probably chill, going to the bank, walking without twisting my knee even after five-ish years of it being bad, walking in socks without tripping, doing dishes without halfway drowning, cooking... you know, the usual.
    • I think the cure to my unsuccessful attempts at 'life' is to either become a hermit, or take over the world. Possibly some combination of the two.
  • I have written over 12k words in RP posts alone since the 1st of the year. I find that to be a little ridiculous.
  • Fun Fact: Cannibalism is a hilarious topic to bring up in public. Loudly, and with a great deal of passion. Especially if you're also mentioning recipes and/or referencing children making handy portable snacks. 
  • I am writing articles at Self Reliance Works, once a month, on how to make jewelry. Which is pretty cool.
  • Apparently I am not very chill with living with males? With my dad, I thought it was just, you know, him being a cranky douchebag. And then when B was here, I thought maybe it was just because he and my sister kinda fought, like, 24/7, except when they were sleeping, except sometimes even then, but.... since Z moved in, I again find it very uncomfortable when he's here, and it's not him personally because we generally get along great most of the time. It's more an ~aura~ or something going on, like, all the time, I just ~know when he's here~ and it's weird and makes my anxiety spike at random, inconvenient times.
    • Does anybody else have that issue? The randomly knowing things thing? Because I'm also like that when people are pissed off / upset, I like. Know. From across the house. With my headphones on and music playing when there's no logical way I could know, except somehow I do. It's kinda eerie, and no one believes me. This also is not good for my anxiety.
  • I am working on the creation of a death ray. It's going to happen.
  • My Dean-muse has gotten me in the habit of using 'bitch' / 'bitches' in everyday speaking. This is awkward when it happens in front of the grandparents.
    • He is also a fan of the word 'crack' when meant as a joking reference to things being drug-like. This fact, combined with my random inability to sound as sarcastic as I'm intending to be when I'm speaking, leads, occasionally, to "....why are you talking about crack, Erin?" and suspicious eyes.
  • Tea = <3
  • Chai = <3
  • Wine = <3
  • Beverages = <3
  • I think I'm going to attempt sleeping, now that it's after 8 in the morning...

cracked out bitches, the plague sucks, i don't understand my brain, apparently i have anxiety issues, being an adult is scary, sisters' significant others, less-than-three, i like tags, obligatory anti-children remarks, fun fact:, wine is good, there are people in my house!, dean made me do it, my sleeping habits are fail, my dad is a douche, this post is pointless, world domination, obligatory cannibalism remarks, sisters are crazy silly things, antisocial erin is antisocial, beverages!, i might be dying!, i am the prophet chuck!, sometimes i write things, sometimes i use capslock, i frequently injure myself slightly, sleep is an elusive creature, neurotic, slacking slacker who slacks, sometimes i worry a lot, christo?, i approve of the apocalypse!, am i the only sane person left?, sometimes i am superstitious?, rp, the world might actually end right now, i need more sleep, i'm a crazyface, i'm sane i swear, beverages are good, my ovaries hate me, i want to sleep, humanity, i like breaking characters, apparently i'm an adult now, sometimes i use lots of tags, there are no pancakes sam, i fail at stuff sometimes, i use lots of tags, sometimes i worry about things, bullets are fun!

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