In which Erin rants about psychos.

Oct 06, 2010 16:01

I have many thoughts on 6.02 of Supernatural, I just can't seem to put them down in any coherent format right now. Which is probably mostly due to the fact that I can't seem to put anything down in any coherent format right now, not really much to do with the episode. So for now, suffice to say that I liked it.

In other news, I am continually annoyed with the fact that the only people who express any interest in me - hitting on me and/or flirting with me - are either creepy, old, have mental issues, or some combination thereof. And people wonder why I don't want to be married or have a boyfriend or any of that: with my luck, I'd end up with one of these nutcases!

Yesterday it was a guy sitting at my table at the library for like literally more than a half-hour, talking about how I'm so pretty and asking me to go to his place (which is the local homeless shelter, by the way), saying "YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD FRIEND, YOU ARE, YOU'RE A REALLY GOOD FRIEND. I THINK ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME. I BET YOU THINK ABOUT ME. I BET YOU THINK OH, HE'S SUCH A GOOD FRIEND, RIGHT?" (I'm not exaggerating that's pretty much word-for-word what he was saying) and I'm sitting there thinking no that's not what I think at all, I think you're a creeper please go away ohmygoshpleasejustgo but he didn't read my mind, because he started going on and on about getting me gifts, and I'm like NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT. SERIOUSLY. YOU DON'T. DON'T DO IT. and he's all BUT I LIIIIIIIKE YOU and I'm like SOMEONE PLEASE JUST SHOOT ME IN MY FACE RIGHT THE HELL NOW, OKAY?

And that's a conversation he's holding in a normal (slightly loud, actually, in the way that mentally handicapped people often are) tone of voice in the quiet area of the library. No one yells at him about it, even though they're very quick to get complainey when other people do it. So I just had to sit him out and wait for him to LEAVE and then he frickin' hugged me and I was like KADNHAKLDFGNADLFKHADF DIE BITCH but he didn't, he finally left.

And he's not the only one there who's creepishly talking to me all the time. There's this other guy who acts like he's all sweet but apparently, according to my sister, can be terrifyingly jealous FOR NO REASON (she was hanging around with him for a while, and then she started talking about her boyfriend and he got pissed and yelled at her / sent her semi-threatening texts, and was like I JUST LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO HEAR YOU TALK ABOUT HIM and, um, hi, CREEPER.) and has a crush on my mom, my sister, and me. I don't even know, dude, I don't want anything to do with him, and I'm pretty much brushing him off every chance I get, but he's persistent and wants me to drive him places and NO, HELL NO, I don't care if you have to ride your bike three miles in the rain, I'm not not not letting you in a car with me by myself, dude. Or onto a boat with you and your friends (who for all I know might be equally terrifying), so I can be stranded out on the water with you. Seriously!

And we met him at church, and he wanders all over town, so it's impossible to avoid him anywhere in that side of town, he even showed up at church last week when I was the only one there, locking up / waiting on a text from my mom, and he knocked and I was like OH CRAP because how am I supposed to explain that I'm not opening the door for him because he's a creeper? So I opened it just enough to talk out of and basically told him I'M WAITING ON A MESSAGE AND THEN I'M LEAVING, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE HERE, BYE and he was all skulking outside for ages and I didn't leave until I knew he was GONE. Friggin' ridiculous.

So, those are the only two guys my age who have shown interest in me. I need to buy some freakin' mace or something. Or a tazer. Or a gun. Or all of the freakin' above, and then become a freakin' hermit so I don't have to see humans ever again unless I decide to.

Also, I'm not going back to that library anymore. This one is much safer.

humans, i am an antisocial freak sometimes, when i grow up i want to be a hermit, humanity, ranting, alskjakphhh, people are creepy, creepy old guys like me, capslock is fun

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