(no subject)

Sep 26, 2010 14:15

So, I'm thrilled. I'm easy to keep happy, though, so it's possible I'm ignoring all the bad things the episode had, but ... I was very happy with it. I was less happy with the whole FRIDAY timeslot, ugh, but whatever.

I loved seeing domestic!Dean, and how he wasn't 100% domesticated. I like that he wandered around barefoot, for some reason (possibly because barefoot = vulnerable, if you have to run outside and shoot things doing that barefoot is a really bad plan) and I like that there was a gun and holy water under the bed where he could get it. I liked that Dean was cooking (<3!), and that he said his middle name was Careful (Emma, they stole that from you, I think). I liked that Lisa isn't just some pansy, she wasn't just like OKAY HONEY, WHATEVER YOU SAY, I liked that she called him an idiot. I liked Sid (I AM SAD SID IS DEAD CAN HE COME BACK PLEASE? HE MADE ME GRIN).

OMG DEAN'S EYES. <3 That's all I have to say about that.

At first I didn't like that Dean was working in construction, because my brain goes OOH MECHANIC? but... then I thought about it more, and it made more sense. Because construction is a pretty easy job to find, probably doesn't require you to have as much documentation (which Dean probably either doesn't have, or it's all fake). And in a town like that, odds are if there's a small mechanic's place that will hire without much information, it'll be a family business, which means odds are they won't be hiring, or corporate (documents required). And running his own place would either take too long to start up, or - if he did it more like a casual or mobile business - would probably not be as steady / pay as well... and I hear that construction pays really, really well. So once I thought about it, it makes sense, and I LIKE that it makes sense.

I liked the reunion with Sam (the fact that Sam busted in to save Dean = <3, and then he stole Dean and put him in the safehouse-thing to wait for him to wake up even though he could have just left and let Dean think it was a dream / hallucination / whatever, but he didn't want to. I liked that Dean assumed he was dead / in heaven. I liked that Sam was disgusted by drinking the salt / holy water combo, his face was so ridiculous. I <3'd the hugging HUGGING OMG ADFKHNDLFKGADFHDFH and I <3'd the fact that Dean is so hurt and pissed about the whole year.

I liked that Bobby knew. I liked that Dean was pissed and hurt about Bobby not telling him, too.

I liked the tension between the Campbells and Dean - I was glad he wasn't just like OHAI, YAY COUSINS / GRANDPA. I didn't like that he called him Grandpa, it just sounded funny, but that's probably just because I don't use that name, and no one I know does, and I'm just not used to hearing it? I don't know. Fingers crossed if they keep using that name I won't keep cringing.

I'm a little confused about where Lisa actually lives, though. That house didn't look the same as the one from 5.22, did it? I thought it was more wooden / dark-colored in 5.22. And this was light blue and looked like maybe the one from s3 again? I ...am lost. But I could be wrong, and it honestly doesn't even matter that much.

I liked the plot, I liked that Grandpa seems to have a shady side (kidnapping the d'jinn chick? Making more antidote, are we? I foresee Dean having a problem with this, if that's the case, hum), I liked that Sam is so different but he's not creepy or anything, he's just Sam, but ...different. I want dorky, awkward, smiley Sam back, though. I don't know if we will, and that kind of makes me sad. I like that Sam has his own car (and it kind of kicks ass, I'm not gonna lie. Not as much as the Impala, obviously, but I liiiiike Chargers), and I hope we get to see the trunk of it, or scenes shot in it, or something, adfdlfg that would be neat, seeing the differences. I like differences.

I like where this seems to be going. I don't know that I like everything, but I don't think I need to, to be happy with it. And I am happy. <3

I... actually can't wait until Friday. This is a bizarre statement for me to make, as I normally hate Fridays, but... my Show makes it better, just by being on, even if I can't see it until after it's finished airing.

dean's eyes!, eee!, dean winchester needs a hug, i am a geek, males don't listen to logic?, i love my show, christo?, /optimism?, spoilers!, sam winchester needs a hug, supernatural, hug your brother sam!, sometimes i reference tv shows and thing, *supernaturalflail*, supercrazyawesome, sometimes i use lots of tags, saaaaaam!, hug your brother dean!, alskjakphhh, sometimes i use capslock, lessthanthree, s6, incoherency is for cool people, awesome

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