(no subject)

Jul 28, 2010 21:43

  • A friend of mine was in a motorcycle accident on Sunday. Apparently he took a turn wrong, hit a tree. One of the guys he was riding with took off and left him there, so some random woman came over to hold his head out of a puddle so he wouldn't drown and called 911 and everything. He broke both legs, busted a knee, had a really bad concussion, and apparently was put in a chemically-induced coma. I've only gotten all this information second-hand from Facebook and various people who have gotten more information.
  • So the above has my anxiety levels skyrocketing, which means that I'm freaking the hell out over little things. I almost had a panic attack because for some semi-irrational reason I thought my mom was going to leave me at a shopping center today, so I refused to get out of the car without her keys... I don't know. It seemed fully rational at the time. Maybe a bit dramatic, but rational nonetheless.
  • Which means Madre is a pissy freak who is acting like everything I do is bad / I am a crazyface with serious issues and keeps saying she's going to kick me out of the house / leave me places GEE I WONDER WHY I'M WORRIED ABOUT THAT, ughhh.
  • As a result of all this, I'm having a really hard time writing. Which stresses me out even more because I have the finishathon thing to finish, and I ended up scrapping everything I'd written and starting over because it was really not going to work, and as far as RP stuff goes, things keep moving even without me, and even though people are being really great about it and not pushing me to hurry, I still feel like I need to writewritewrite and dfnafkgfgfgfdhvn. I don't know.

So this has been a really bad week?

I just want to drive. Around. I don't even care where right now. I like it a lot now that I'm actually good at it, it's kind of soothing. Relaxing is not the word for it, definitely, because it's a different kind of stress, but I think as soon as I get my license I'm going on a mini road trip. Somewhere. I don't know who I'll bring with me or where I'll go but I want to DRIVE.

panicflail!, oh crap!, i am not dysfunctional damnit, i don't understand my brain, omgflail!, humans, paranoid, apparently i have anxiety issues, askjlam, *flail*, omg!, i am the prophet chuck!, alskjakphhh, writing is hard!, holy crap!

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