(no subject)

May 25, 2010 17:28

My sisters graduate tonight. I feel friggin' old, yo. This would be great, except, um, my dad will be attending (if it were my graduation I would not have given him a seating ticket, he'd have had to sit in the stands if he showed up but this isn't up to me so I have to remember that), probably will end up going to dinner with us after, and um. If I don't get pissed and start going psycho on him, it'll be something of a miracle. Especially given his girlfriend will undoubtedly go along, even though she doesn't have a field-seating ticket so she'll be stuck in the stands - she'd probably try to get along on the dinner after, and, um, hell no. I will not be stuck in a booth with them without reacting negatively. I wonder if I can get away with going HEY, ASSBUTT at him tonight.

In other news, I got new shoes, which unlike most girls is a very uncommon thing for me, as I don't generally LIKE any shoes or really care if I wear the same ones over and over. But, yes, new shoes. Only $7, it's pretty great. They're really slippery on the bottom though, so I have to be careful not to, uh, fall and break my neck until they get scuffed up enough to not slide anymore.

Note to self: do not channel CrazyDean tonight. Please for the love of God, Erin, don't do it. It will only end badly if you attempt to exorcise anyone. Or draw devils' traps on their vehicles or chairs or throw salt on them or ANY OF THIS. DON'T DO IT.

family drama!, argh, muse, i am old, mute!dean, askjlam, people are sillyfaces

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