(no subject)

Apr 18, 2010 17:10

So today is my third day in a row where I got two hours of sleep (or less). I've been up since 4am. I'm so tired I cannot physically stand up straight without getting dizzy. I'm hallucinating a little bit (seeing stuff out of the corner of my eye, which has been going down for the last... three days? I think that's from the tiredness, but I'm not sure), and my words are coming out scrambled when I talk or I'll blurt out something random in the middle of a conversation because my mind has moved on and is thinking that I'm talking about something else entirely, except I'm ...not.

Also there is an ad on this page for something called sleepys.com I'M GOING TO BEAT SOMEONE DOWN, THAT'S NOT FAIR. cvnklgnknhadgfh

In other news, our plumbing/septic issues that I don't think I mentioned in the first place have gone from GEE, WE CAN'T FLUSH THE TOILET, THAT'S INCONVENIENT to AAAHHH DON'T TURN THE WATER ON EVEN LONG ENOUGH TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH OR BAD THINGS HAPPEN, so tomorrow will not be a Monday of beautiful, wonderful sleeping in my own bed, it will be a Monday of skulking around here again, because plumbing issues = bad. So I may lock myself in a storage room and sleep. *blink*


Sundays are long.

sunday, my sleeping habits are fail, askjlam

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