
Apr 09, 2010 20:34

  • I am still flailing over last night's episode.
  • My brotherfriend was on a trip all week, which was apparently very exhausting, and now is driving out to Orlando to return the rental vehicles they used for the trip, while being zombielike. Cue Erin worrying.
  •  My throat hurts, all of a sudden. That is always a sign of illness. kdhndfn PLEASE NO.
  • Waiting to see if I need to be sitting in the kitchen for an hour or not. After I know, I will resume AIM'ing and writing as per normal.
  • My mascara is acting like a freak today. Crumbling off into my eyes. I do not approve of this - it may be time to get new stuff, given that it's well over a two years old... Haa.
  • There's a nerve in my elbow that I can push on very lightly with my fingers and make my ENTIRE ARM GO DEAD. I don't think it's meant to be that easy, but whatever.  /easily amused and mildly bored
  • Job applications are annoying. Not enough space for the information they want! I cannot fit an entire address into a box the size of my thumbnail! fgnsgkgnjag
  • I plan to make an Enochian font at some point in the near future, to increase the ease of my geekishness.
  • PSP 9! I has it! It is... different! Shiny and new looking, but... it doesn't seem to have a whole lot of NEW features that I really need, as opposed to 7, which I've been using previously. There's the ability to have a dual-colored brush, which is neat, but can be achieved easily enough in 7... and the layout is different (some aspects, cool, some aspects more annoying). Other than that, eh, nothing I've yet explored really wows me. I may end up going back to 7, since it's familiar and a smaller file (my computer is already down to only about 10 gigs of space, holy wow; Diablo 2 takes up a lot of the space, hahaha).


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