(no subject)

Feb 12, 2010 21:10

So, I keep on forgetting to update LJ, lately.

Mostly 'cause whenever I'm online I'm on AIM with usually two of the confirmed three people who read this (I mean, there may be more than three, but you know, three that I know for sure?), and it just seems I have nothing left to say that isn't random observations about character muses taking over my life or random ranting about stupid little things like cigarettes smelling bad or my head exploding or my ovaries trying to kill me or something boring like that.

In other news, does anyone know a program that can format / print pages in brochure format? As in if you printed it you could just fold it in half and BAM brochure? RoughDraft does not seem to be able to, and I no longer have Word (it's not on my new computer, or this one, and I can't pay for it, blah etc.), so it needs to be something I can download free.

Or... I can use another computer, but adfhafdh I would rather use this one / mine for it. I do enough computer hopping as it is.

cigarettes are gross, my ovaries hate me, questions, blah, my life is weird sometimes, my lungs hate me, random, muses

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