(no subject)

Jan 01, 2010 19:59

Holiday rundown --
  • Christmas Eve, I ran the screens for my church's Christmas Eve service, which was at a semi-outdoor venue nearby.
    • I ended up covered in glitter because secondMomma had a can of the spray-on kind she uses when she dances, and she sprayed me with the silver (because, like, she totally knows how much I <3 shiny things). And I ended up with gold glitter too, probably from hugging people who had it on them.
    • There were friggin' cool lights the production company we hired brought in. They're like normal can lights, but with teh LEDs, which <3<3<3 my inner geek was all excited. The company have fun people, also - I met two of the three that came last time we were at that venue (sometime in November), and one of the guys remembered me, which was vaguely cool.
    • Brotherfriend2 (yeah, I now have two of them) was Joseph in the live nativity that was going on where people were coming in at. His Mary was talking about how her boyfriend was going to beat him up for playing as her husband that night (she was kidding, I'm sure), and then I took their picture and got a candy cane and pet the donkey there.
    • Before I knew who was involved in the nativity I was joking with my mom, and was saying I should go over to them and be like "Hey, can I touch your ass?" (meaning the donkey OBVIOUSLY 'cause, um, no butttouching!) and so then when we found out it was them we were both hugely amused. We did not tell them this joke, as I'm quite sure none of them would have found it as funny as we did.
  • After we got home after doing that, we opened presents, because Renee!sister and my mom had to work, Renee having to be at work by 8am, and none of us were all about getting up at 5am to do presents.
    • I received clothing (jeans which I needed a lot and two shirts), a 4gig flash drive that looks sort of like a battery, candles ("gingered peach" and "apple blossom", both of which are amazing smelling <3), lots of candy, make-up (including friggin' awesome purple eyeshadow; I have a thing for eyeshadows and for purple, so this made me GLEE) and nail polish (MORE PURPLE! \o/)... and some other things, my brain is not thinking well.
    • We went to bed then.
  • In the morning Shan-sister and I went to my grandparents', while mom and Renee were working.
    • Me and Shan mostly sat around on laptops during the early portion of the day. I got a lot of writing accomplished!
    • My father got there at like dinnertime (thankfully without his girlfriend, or there would have been a serious smackdown going on) - the original plan was that he was supposed to come in and get some food and leave, not stay for dinner, but he clearly did not get that memo, and so he stayed for dinner. Which meant AWKWARD and ERINFLAILING and adfhadfhadfh.
    • I had wine with dinner. White Zynfandel or whatever is fantastic. I wanted more than one glass just because it tasted GOOD (although to be honest by that point I was all in favor of being drunk or something, I was so close to having  a nervous breakdown and really wanted to calm the hell down). I did not feel sick from it like I worried I would, either.
    • The rest of the night was mostly ARGHSTRESS up until he left... Madre and Renee got there, and then there was the giftgiving and, yeah. I was not thrilled.
    • There was lots of pie! My grandmother makes fantastic meat pie which is like everyone's favorite food ever and is only made for Christmas/New Years (and she makes a couple extras for later / giving people, but she doesn't just make them year round). <3 Also, cherry and strawberry pies for dessert. I had both kinds because mmm. <3
    • I got $140 total by the end of the night.
  • I don't really remember much about the following day. I think I mostly just curled up in bed to stay warm and watched Doctor Who on the laptop (many thanks, my Emma! <3) and, uh, stuff like that.
  • Sunday we went to church, and I was given about another $100 in cash/checks and gift cards, from people in the church who know of the current family / financial situation. <3
    • We then went across the street to the building which houses the soundbooth I practically live in, so that I could go make sure it was okay, because on Christmas while I was off internetting/panicflailing/eating/etc. there were people at the building doing normal Friday things. Without me there. Which meant basically all kinds of bad news.
    • Apparently none of my teachings in the world of sound have stuck with anyone, because the problem they were having was that the monitor sound was too high, and they ended up touching all kinds of things they shouldn't have trying to fix it when the solution was SO, SO EASY, and was among the things I really did teach, because the monitors are important! So I had to figure out what they did, and set things back to how they should be, and fingers crossed I got everything / nothing major is screwed up. I won't know until at least Friday (because I'll be spending the first of my year doing sound so they don't screw up again / so I don't have to have stressful familytiems again; I would rather deal with Creepyman than my father and his bitch being invited to dinner), because there was no band practice / anything going on due to the holidays.
    • And then there was more internetting, and there was Brotherfriend1 wandering around / playing keyboard / playing video games for a while, and then suddenly it was evening and everyone was like WOAH, WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? and then we went home.
  • Monday was nothing much.
  • Tuesday I went to my grandparents again - to get my hair dyed! I am a redhead! And by redhead I mean, like REDRED. It's intense. <3
  • Wednesday blah, lots of random family bickering that I mostly tried to stay out of, and then internet.
  • New Years Eve I spent mostly skulking in the soundbooth talking to people online. Madre brough cheesesteaks (mmm) and cookies and mint ice cream, which I discovered I actually like quite a bit. We stayed there a while but then she was like HOME OMG and so we left before midnight.
    • No one wanted to play with sparklers with me when I got home, so I just went to my room and tried to write things.
    • The first thing I did in 2010 was make a playlist of quiet/soothing instrumentals in an effort to pacify sleepless!Sammuse, who, as I have stated previously, is a bitch. Although in this case it's not like he's just trying to be difficult, but come on, man. I don't need your nightmares / inability to sleep.
      • Halp. Send sleeping pills.
      • Although, the playlist really did help somewhat. I still had the stupid nightmares, but I actually slept, so that's something!
      • Sam totally had a sleep!playlist on his laptop/ipod that was all quiet instrumental tracks. /personal cannon
  • I have been gradually writing this whole thing in a document on my flash drive because I did not want to post an incomplete holiday rundown in pieces whenever I got a moment. So this is sort of giant. Haa

i have a brain but it's wonky, holidays, my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, random, omg!, family, $$!, incoherency is for cool people, internet, writing

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