(no subject)

Jun 16, 2009 13:11

I keep successfully forgetting my flash drive places, and it is distressing and I want internet back because I am currently bordering on totally-out-of-my-mind with frustration due to trying to remember a million different things and tote around a million different files on three different flash drives (or mp3 players) and remembering the right cords for them and generally my brain can't handle all this. I just want internet back. I don't even care if we don't get the cable back for a while, because I can do all my show-watching online (it's slower and more annoying, but INTERNET > CABLE so)... but aaahhh! *flail*

Also, it's extremely hard to try to write longer things when a) using this tiny freaking keyboard instead of my lovely home computer's full-sized one, and b) I KEEP FORGETTING THE FILES AT HOME or have three copies of the same file that are all totally different because I compulsively edit every time I open files, and since I keep forgetting them I edit copy 2 one way, copy 3 another way, and the original a totally different way, and so by the time I get them all blended together I'll be eighty years old, and then die.

Relatedly? I'm going to be 20. Very soon. One day less than a month. Holy freaking crap.

The combination of this realization, my stress, and my dream last night (Anna!dream, for once it wasn't tragic because basically all it was was coffee and kittens and shiny things and babbling and it was great) means I am probably going to get a mocha today, because I really, really think I need it. Holy crap.

My life is clearly full of huge problems and torment. Feel my pain. /sarcastic!emo

So all of the above was written more than an hour ago, and my laptop battery died a terrible death and so this is very delayed. In that time I have eaten pizza (spinach + tomato = mmm), and spoken to someone I know who happened to be here today, my shoes are giving me blisters oww, and otherwise nothing eventful has happened. Mocha is fairly imminent, probably in like a half hour. aslkpahkn tired.

Also I would like to point out that I am amused that Anna gets to be my "I am mildly frazzled and/or upset, but not quite at the brainmelt!icon stage", because. Just because. It's funny. To me. I don't know.

internet woes, 19, i am old, coffee, dream, files and flash drives and *head explode, omg!, woe is me!, mocha is awesome, laptops are hard for typing on

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