(no subject)

Mar 01, 2009 20:34

Today went as follows:
  • Around three in the morning I was still awake, and worrying about, uh, everything.
  • By seven I decided to try to sleep.
    • That didn't go well, as I ended up having a very vivid nightmare. About people dying. Mostly my band, apparently. Car crashes, earthquake, house fire, psychopaths with knives, etc.
    • I then woke up and cried for like an hour or more.
  • Went back to sleep around nine.
  • Woke up at one thirty in the afternoon, showered, leftover pizza and iced tea for breakfast/lunch.
  • Went to go do sound.
  • Had much overwhelming joy seeing my band, alive and well.
    • Almost burst into tears, actually, when the one who I dreamed was attacked by a psychopath with knives came in.
  • Did sound, full-on bliss-mode kicking in about half through so mostly it's a happy blur.
    • I've realized that I'm not really bothered when the bandmembers do silly things like walk around with mics in front of monitors and speakers, or clip the subs, or anything like that, or at least I haven't been lately. I'm affectionately annoyed at most, the sort of thing where you sigh and shake your head, roll your eyes because it's just so them that it's not really anything to get upset over.
    • They're just amazing, guys. Seriously. <33333
  • Pizza for dinner again. I'm loving all this pizza people keep giving me. :)
  • Wandered around outside waiting for mom to be ready to leave. It's amazing out, cold and windy and that damp-but-dry cold where it's not cuttingly dry, but not miserably wet, either. Lovelovelove it. So much.
  • Drove part of the way home.
    • I'm not terrible.
    • Leaves kept blowing across the road, making me think they were small animals darting across. It was like a thousand mini heart attacks.
  • Standing on kitchen chairs with my sister just because makes me happy.
Tea and toast, relaxing, now. Once I got past all the panic, it became a very, very good day/night. <3

sometimes i worry a lot, i love my band, i am a soundgeek, lessthanthree, pizza is awesome, apparently i have anxiety issues, food

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