(no subject)

Feb 22, 2009 19:17

So apparently I've either fought off the plague's second coming, or it's taking a break for me, as I'd hoped. I'm feeling okay, just tired as all kinds of things, really.

This morning went well, mostly. I did great while by myself, first service - no real errors except one, but that was just that I hit the button wrong, and it didn't register that I'd hit it, and thus nothing happened and I didn't realize. But still, other than that, I was great!

Second service, my overseer arrived, and from then on I was flaily and stressing and I really don't work well with people watching me, apparently. Or when they're trying to teach me things I already know - both because I knew it to start with, and because they've been telling me the same thing for months over and over, each time acting like it's the first time I've ever heard it, when really I could recite their own words back at them perfectly if I wanted.

Plus, apparently when I'm on a station, anyone touching that station makes me cringe. Because they're changing things, and that's my job / the things don't need changing / they make it feel wrong.

Like, we have bendy lamps/lights attached to the soundboard. I arrange them so that there is little glare on the board, but still sufficient light for me to see by, and leave them that way. My overseer kept randomly just ...moving them. For no reason, since she wasn't needing to see, and the way she put it the light was just... I don't know. It wasn't anywhere useful, and then there was suddenly all kinds of glare on the board, and the light wasn't where I needed it, and it was really frustrating. And I'm petty enough that I would wait until she wasn't looking and put them back where I wanted them, too.

Or I'd turn up an instrument because I liked it / wanted to hear more, and she'd come wander over and turn it down like thirty seconds later without saying anything. Apparently we don't have the same ear for music, which is frustrating.

But other than those minor annoyances (and the resulting cringeflailomg), I enjoyed it. :)

And then the evening - my band still win the universe, and I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH and eeeeee! There's not much else to say other than that! <333333333
/geeky squeeing
Uh, now I'm going to zone out for a little while (or maybe write, since inspiration tried to eat my brain earlier), and sleep until I can't sleep anymore, provided Kitten doesn't decide to try to keep me awake anymore. She seems sleepy, though, so that's a good sign. Tralala!

sunday, humanity, omg!, sound, i am a soundgeek, i love my band, lessthanthree, people are sillyfaces

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