(no subject)

Feb 10, 2009 13:57

I haven't eaten in nearly twenty four hours. Twenty three and a half, as of about five minutes ago... And the last thing I did eat was crumbs of some potato chips (you know, the bottom of the bag where you cut the bag short and break out the spoon?). But oddly I'm barely hungry, and food doesn't really appeal to me unless it's pizza or something, but we don't have pizza, and thus I am not going to eat until I HAVEHAVEHAVE to. Which, at this rate, could be next week - who knows anymore? My body is apparently crazy.

Also I've developed a cough in the last six hours - went from dandy to hacking out a lung or ten. Which is brilliant, really, just what I need. Also, I slept until, um, ten minutes ago. Yeah. So I'm assuming I'm about to be hit with a major, full-on illness in the next day (probably why I'm not very hungry, too), and that this cough won't go away for months. Good clean fun.

But on the bright side, I'm fully inspired to attempt to write things. Two specific things (both Supernatural because, uh, I'm still obsessive today), one of which is inspired off a dream I had (what else is new?) which is probably going to be for featherjean 's eight seconds challenge, and the other is illness inspired... Tralala!

supernatural, illness, obsessions!, omg!, dreams, silly, sometimes i actually write stuff, writing, food

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