(no subject)

Feb 02, 2009 19:22

I spent all of today watching the first season of Supernatural and making jewelry. It was not what my parents would call productive, but I feel good about it, especially since I've been up since four and haven't taken a nap, and haven't had the urge to (except for once, briefly, when Jules was curled up in my blankets around noon looking SO COMFY).

The first season of Supernatural? Is brilliant. I mean, so is all of the rest of it, from what I've seen so far, but I seriously wish I'd gotten into this show before I did. I don't think I even saw most of the second season, and even the first half of the third is a bit hazy like I'm not really sure what happened or when.... but yeah. I love it. So much. The characters are really well developed right away, and keep getting better and deeper... I love that Dean is the one who's actually more open about things than Sam, even though you'd totally think it would be the opposite since he acts all cool / tough and stuff... <3

In less cool news, I'm incredibly dizzy. Like, that's part of why I was in my room all day instead of doing anything else. Every time I stand up, the room goes off in all directions. Every time I sit down after being up for a while, it does it again, sort of like I can't adjust quickly to being upright / seated, or something. It's annoying.

Also, apparently I am invisible. People have this weird tendency to walk past me like I'm not even there - by which I mean brushing within three inches of me, even if there is plenty of space for them. They could walk three feet away, but they're inches away, and look like they don't even realize how close they are. And I'm not exaggerating the distance, either - I've had at least two people brush against basically my entire front when I was standing against a wall, and not even look at me or pause or anything. How can one NOT SEE a person of my size? Seriously?

Now this would be more entertaining if it weren't for the fact that I do not like [most] people. I don't like people in my personal bubble of space. Even if those people are close friends, I don't like to be too close (exceptions being hugs or something, in that case, I'm not TOTALLY anti-touching). As in, sitting beside someone in a booth makes my skin crawl, even if it's my mother. I prefer sitting by myself at a movie, whether I'm with people or not - and then I sit on an end seat, back row, and put my bag on the seat that's beside me, and prefer that no one sit directly in front of me, either... I don't know why, I just really don't like people in my bubble.

This also extends to when I'm at home, doing dishes. See, my dad has the tendency to sit at the kitchen table all day, so he can do his work. Which is fine, I don't mind. Except that's about two feet from the sink, and he doesn't usually leave the kitchen for me to do the dishes he and my mom so strongly insist I should be doing. So basically, he's in my bubble.

And if there are people in that bubble, I get really upset. Usually it's just that tense, tight feeling, like you're being very deliberate to remember to not breathe fast or panic, like telling yourself there's nothing outside even though you're hearing weird noises there, or reminding yourself "there's no such thing as ghosts" over and over (which I disagree with, but that's beside the point). Depending on my mood or the length of time the person is too close, I get shaky and nauseated, and eventually get sort of frantic and mildly hysterical (though that's usually really, really prolonged or repeated space-invasion, like WalMart around big important holidays / events, like Christmas, or, oh, the Super Bowl). I really don't know why it upsets me so much, but it really does.

And this is turning into "oh, look, Erin is semi-neurotic about a number of things!" lately, with this and my anxiety (which this probably has to do with, actually?) and the medicine and stuff. Whatever, felt like sharing, because apparently my mother thinks this is some elaborate scheme to get out of doing dishes because she seems to think I'm totally lazy. Which doesn't make sense, because such an elaborate scheme is a lot of effort to go to for a lazy person, yesyes?

Anyway. Um, I made pretty shiny things! I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow! My kitten is curled up under my blankets looking adorable! Chuck and Heroes are back on tonight!

I'm actually pretty happy, despite the majority of this post sounding horribly whiny! :)

supernatural, apparently i have anxiety issues, humans are sillyfaces, family, sometimes i worry a lot, lessthanthree, people are sillyfaces, apparently i'm more neurotic than i thou

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