(no subject)

Feb 01, 2009 06:13

I just got my prescription refilled, and took it last night... and I think maybe it's making the anxiety worse. Which is not really cool at all.

Also, I mentioned previously how my kitten was acting like a freak? Well apparently she's in heat. Which is lovely, as I'm sure you've guessed. Basically she wanders around the house moaning, presenting her backside to anything that moves (and sometimes things that don't!), and thinks it's cool to knock things off counters/tables/whatever by rubbing her face/body intensely on them. She was gazing longingly at Luna, who has been fixed since he was young, and thus has no idea what the hell she's on about. It's sort of funny, but mostly annoying and awkward.

This is one of the very few Sunday mornings where I really, really don't want to go. Mostly just because I don't want to be awake right now. Actually, that's really the only reason - I otherwise wouldn't mind at all. But the being awake thing is really sort of big and overpowering.

Super Bowl tonight... I'm sort of for the Steelers even though I don't care personally, and probably won't pay close attention to the game at all, because my sister and her boyfriend are intensely for them, and if they win they'll be happy (and when they're happy, they're entertaining). Also, they're from PA, and that's my other home state (even though I was only living there for three months after I was born). Also, I'd only ever vaguely heard of the Cardinals, and thus don't care much about them at all. Uh, yeah.

Gotta go wake up my parental transportation, as it's almost six thirty and there is no sign of them... SIGH. People should seriously start setting alarms around here. D:
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