(no subject)

Jan 28, 2009 14:24

My kitten is a sillyface.

She climbs around in the kitchen sink, which sort of leaks so she gets all wet... and then she comes in here, looking all pissed off, and licks herself, stopping to occasionally glare at me like it's my fault she's soaked. <3

Also, apparently I do not like teriyaki flavored... things. Specifically instant noodles. I ended up adding like a frickton of things to it to make it taste like something else entirely (I would have just gone with soy sauce, 'cause that makes everything better, but ours smells funny and since it's been in the fridge for literally almost ten years, I decided not to risk it). So, uh, yeah. Note to self and all that jazz.

Aaaand in other news I can't find anything I've been looking for in my room lately. Social Security card? MIA. MP3 player I plan to reformat / reinstall drivers for? MIA. Entire bag of technical cords/things? MIA! It's getting annoying. I've even been properly cleaning up (well, I say properly - I mean moving everything from table to bed, desk to table, etc. piece by piece to pick through and make sure it's not there). So, really, I think it's all disappeared.

I have hand lotion that smells amazing and sort of like (proper!) lavender, and sort of like mint, but not like lavender-mint. I don't know how that works, but shh.

Oh, and I really need to get headpins/eyepins, aaaahhhh!

kids are evil, silly, let's use tags that don't fit the entry!, i have a kitten and her name is jules, messes, food

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