(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 15:05

I'm starting to wonder if this medicine makes me literally turn nocturnal. I'm hating the daylight right now, and didn't wake up 'till 2 again... and was up until it started getting light before I even felt remotely tired. I slept really well, though. Woke up around nine, and realized how comfortable I was (I'm never comfortable, unless it's rare occasions like this one, or after muchmuch moving around to find a spot that's good as long as I don't move even a finger - I can sleep, sure, and I'm not usually UNcomfortable, but... you know what I mean!), and decided that I was going to stay in bed, whether everyone else liked it or not. It was great.

Now I'm having tea (with brown sugar, since we're out of normal stuff - and while it works in coffee pretty great, I do not approve of it in tea. Tastes funny. But it's better than artificial sweeteners, that's for sure), and making random iTunes playlists for when I start cleaning up my room, which will be as soon as I feel motivated to move. Because my room, it is a disaster. Everything is piled on top of other things, all over the place, and it's really getting hard to function in it (which is probably part of the reason I've been doing as little functioning as possible lately). It's about time I actually do something about it. Probably.

Kitten and I have bonded lately (by which I mean more-so than usual, even, which was already a lot - I was totally her favorite anyway). She's pretty much been following me around like a freak, even into the bathroom and onto the table while I'm eating and stuff. She never seems to leave my side for very long. This is because she's constantly expecting me to whip out the laser and start playing with her. But I'll accept it as her undying affection and love? :)

Edit: I totally forgot the most important news that I have right now. I'm a sillyface. No, that's not the news (because you all know that already by now, I hope). The news is that my parents are going on a cruise next week sometime! For a full five days. For free (ish). People couldn't go, and it's a business trip of sorts, so they gave my dad the tickets for him and momma. They're going from Miami to the Virgin Islands, apparently. They're going to get their passports tomorrow so it'll work out, and I think they're pretty excited.

I'm excited, too, because tomorrow while they're getting their passports, my sisters will not be home either, so I have the house to myself and can make rice. Which sounds silly, but I've wanted to have it for a while, but I hate attempting to cook things while people are here. Also the rice I have is not normal rice, and thus others would want some, but it's only enough for one. And I might not share even if there were enough. Haha. :)

caffeine, music, sometimes i do stuff, i have a kitten and her name is jules, my sleeping habits are fail, tea

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