(no subject)

Dec 29, 2008 14:19

Directly after yesterday's shockingly emo ranting, I disappeared into the world of post-Christmas shopping, which had been the plan in the first place, but seemed more convenient once my dad decided it was a good day to be in a bad mood. So I spent money. Which I hate doing (I have a THING about spending money - hatehatehate! Even if it's someone else's money, it's horrible). But I got cool things! On sale!

Most notable thing I got, though not really the most "OMG!" in most peoples' opinions, probably - a laser pointer! First of all, I've wanted one since I was, like, ten. Secondly, Jules? LOVES THESE. Like, crazy. It's great fun. I got some other things, but mostly I don't feel like listing them. Also why I have not yet informed the universe (or, more aptly, my small corner of it) of the things I got for Christmas, even though they were quite spiffy.

Anyway, then today, after the post about feeling useless and with it still fresh in my mind, I became the most useless thing ever, and slept literally all day. I'm having an impossible time sleeping at night this week, and refuse to take any medicine for it because then I'm literally medicated 24/7, and I'm really tired of that. Thus, I was up until like 7am, and woke up about five minutes ago. Which, erm, is bad. My dad will probably be pissed at me - which is logical reason not to exit my room for the remainder of the day.

So basically, despite sucking at life right now and being even more useless than normal thanks to this medicine (that's supposed to freaking help me, but doesn't seem to be!), I'm not feeling horrible or emo anymore, but rather sort of defiantly happy, which is the usual reaction to people being mean to me. I decide that, screw them, I'm going to be happy just to spite them. And it works, as long as I'm not overly emotional thanks to stupid medicine and lack of sleep (i.e. yesterday). So there. :)

Oh, in other news, I have a very awesome hat. Which should have been mentioned in the part about things I received for Christmas, but whatever. :)

i hate spending money, observations, apparently i have anxiety issues, i have a kitten and her name is jules, not-emo, family, failing-at-life, sometimes i worry a lot, $$$, my sleeping habits are fail

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