(no subject)

Sep 16, 2008 00:54

I think for as long as my weekly schedule remains somewhat the same, Mondays are official "sleep a lot, do nothing, and then take a nap!" days, and Tuesdays are more the days where I try to accomplish something... and then the rest of the week I run around like a crazyface and sleep only enough to keep me from either ripping peoples' heads off or dying. It's working out well so far, and this upcoming week will be much the same way.

The other day my sister discovered a mold testing kit in a cabinet somewhere that my dad got years ago and we'd never used. She set these little gel-filled petri dishes all over the house... including one that's in my room. The freaking thing was put in there two days ago, and it looks like a freaking forest or something. I checked the one in the bathroom, and it is also hellish. No wonder I frequently feel like crap - mold isn't especially good for people! D: Tomorrow I will look at all the other ones I can locate (I don't know where she left them, aside from one that is outside) and see how they are.

Jules is becoming a very large kitten very fast. Well, technically she's still small, being a housecat and all and still young, but she's seriously growing. Like, lots. In a way it's cool, but it sort of makes me sad that she's getting big. Which makes me feel like a terrible person, since I should be glad she's growing and healthy, but still. Woe! Luna on the other hand is really skinny again. I don't know why, but it upsets me. D:

I crocheted the pineapple I linked to last night! Only, um, my yellow yarn is really pale compared to the color of pineapples or the one in the pattern, and the green is very dark and is fuzzylike, so it sort of doesn't look... right... but otherwise, I did it right! Just need to get the proper yarn colors/types, and then I will make another and it will be epic. :3 I may post a picture of the current one sometime, if I can get the camera cord to work again. I sort of want to make it into something, but I don't know what to make it into, which is a little distressing.

My dad set my computer up so that I have easier printing capabilities - still no printer attached to this computer, and it won't let me just print over the network automatically, but all I have to do is move the files I want printed to a shortcut to a folder on my mom's computer, and then either go do it myself or have her do it. Easier than locating a flash drive, uploading the files, taking it in and finding that computer's USB ports (because the freaking things are, like, hiding!), etcetera. Makes me pretty happy, and makes me want to go on a slight printing spree.

Instructables.com eats my entire evening. I started out looking at one for... actually I have no idea. But that was at 11pm. It is now 1:10am, and I've only just stopped that because my computer couldn't handle it anymore. If it had been able to I would have kept looking for like another ten hours or something. They need to post a warning on the homepage about that, or something.

Apparently tonight I cannot tie my paragraphs together and so this is all unrelated random things kersmushed into one post without bullet-listing going on. Because I use lists too much, sometimes, and so right now I don't feel inclined towards using them in the slightest. It's a good thing I'm not trying to write right now, though - it would fail very hard and possibly piss me off for a week!

Also I have a new icon I made last night. Because pineapples are pretty, and I'm currently mildly obsessed with Psych . Which always happens to me with shows I <3 only three or four weeks before the season ends... D:

my computer, sometimes i make things, kittens!, i have a kitten and her name is jules, my home is a scary place, crochet, eek!, psych, ew, weeks go by really fast sometimes, writing

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