(no subject)

Aug 31, 2008 21:02

So like I'm entirely giddy tonight. I got to do SOUND! And I did GOOD! And Adam has distortion on his violin and it sounded AWESOME and when he didn't have the distortion on it also sounded AWESOME because violin in general sounds AWESOME!

And so, like, basically ZOMGAWESOMESOUNDVIOLINBANDSPIFFYZOMG is pretty much all my brain's been doing for most of the night. That and trying to pretend it isn't half asleep, but it's gotten pretty good at that lately.

And my headache wasn't bothering me too bad today - on and off throughout the morning, then again during soundrunning, but not to the point where I thought I was dying! Yay!

My day as told by bulletpoints:

  • Woke up spiffylike and posted an entry about it at the time.
  • Left slightly late, meep'd over it, but then ended up being right on time (as in, one minute to go I was barreling in the door flailing my arms and hoping I wasn't late and that I wouldn't trip and fall and break my neck or something).
  • Did House media.
    • Didn't fail or suck. Much.
  • Consumed a few freakishly amazing brownies.
    • There were chocolate chips in them, which, um, made them even more amazing.
      • Sugar rush!
  • Avoided Creepyman for all three servies.
  • Greeted people who are awesome.
  • Drove slightly on the way home. Like, three miles or so.
    • Didn't fail or suck. Much?
  • Ate proper food.
  • Was given new eyeshadow by momma.
    • It's purple! The good kind of purple that I needed, too.
    • Also, it's that stuff that's only $1 and is supercrazypigmentedlikewoah. Which I like.
  • Naptime with Kitten.
  • Woke up at 2:45 in the afternoon thinking it was the following day (with a Kitten halfway on my face, haha!).
    • Panic!
    • Realized it was not the following day, laughed at myself.
  • Reapplied makeup using new!eyeshadow, since I'd slept in the others stuff and sort of looked like a zombified racoon.
  • Left.
  • Ran inside Link building, noticed no one at soundboard.
  • Did a little mental gleedance.
  • Ran to board as the subs clipped WILDLY and got things under control.
    • Was still mentally dancing with glee.
  • Squee'd at the violin-playing that was going on.
    • I literally did, and people did hear. Haha.
  • Generally did first service's sound without much fail.
    • A little feedback, but that was so not my fault!
  • Consumed Mountain Dew.
    • Woke up.
  • Stalked Adam to inform him that he needed to keep the violin on as muh as possible.
    • (He'd been turning it off to see what effets to use with his headphones so it wouldn't disrupt the song, but I didn't know that, so, yeah)
  • Did second service's sound awesomely if I may say so myself.
    • It's impossible to explain how much I enjoy doing that. IMPOSSIBLE. <333
    • GLEE.
  • Turned stuff off and cleaned up the booth/stage.
  • Left.
  • Got home.
  • Kitten snuggling.
  • Popcorn and chips for dinner.
  • This.
So, yeah. AWESOME FREAKING DAY to end an AWESOME FREAKING WEEKEND. A busy one, but still an awesome one.

Now I'm going to go play silly flash games or write or something until I pass out. xD

sunday, caffeine, apparently i have a weird obsession with, kittens!, supercrazyawesome, i am a soundgeek, sound. a/v, band, day, bullets are fun!

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