(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 17:37

Brain is meltyfriedshredded, so it's bullet-time!

  • Designated = easy. <3
    • Not even a DVD to run today, so nothing whatsoever to flail over. Worst thing there was was a moment where my screen (well, I say "my", but I really mean "the one my computer controls which is up on stage") flickered during a slide, but it only happened once and only for like, a second, and no one probably even noticed except me and other a/v types. Nothing serious.
  • Fun people = AWESOME. <33333
    • Srsly. I love having fun people scheduled with me. :3
  • Caffeine = good. <3
    • Those energy drink packets I have are awesome. Probably not very healthy, but awesome nonetheless. Only downside to them is that since they're so easily accessible like they are, I had four in one day and am feeling slightly hangoverish (or what I imagine a hangover to be like, as I've not actually had one) right now. Gatorade should help with that, though.
  • Sunlight = not good.
    • It was freaking HOT outside. Seriously. And the concert-deal? Outside. In the sun. And there is no shade there at all except for small tents people set up.
  • Breezes = good. <3
    • If it hadn't been for the breeze, I'd be dead right now. Or at least more meltyfriedshredded-brained than I am now.
  • Creepy people = NOT GOOD.
    • While my momma thinks I'm overreacting, today was a good indication as to why I'm uneasy around this guy. Five separate times I caught him staring at me (and twice staring at my momma. D:< DO NOT LIKE), not being very discrete about it, and he was sort of wandering around our general area while I was TRYING to enjoy the concert and forget the fact that I was being useless and siting around. And he hugged me. Twice. And, like, what are you supposed to do, tell people not to do that? He's not actually inappropriate (er, hasn't been except that one time, and that's open for interpretation), it's just ...weird. And creepy. And more weird. And ajkhnhnnnnn. D:
    • Also some chick with some sort of mental issue was talking to me a lot and I HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE WAS SAYING and I felt like a terrible person but I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. I AM HORRIBLE.
  • Music = VERY GOOD. <3333
    • If not for the music, I would have ...um, not been there in the first place? I dunno. But it wouldn't have been cool.
      • [/capslock]
  • Not-my-band = bad!
    • It wasn't my band! It was... um, a mix. Our drummer and guitar (acoustic) [who both rock, relatedly], and another church's ...everything else. Electric (he had skillz, but he wasn't what I'm used to), vocals (guy and a chick), keyboard, bass (actually their bassist was really, really good!). Which meant that it was very, very different. And I don't like different! And  that made me "WOE!" a bit over the oldtimes when we last did one of these events and it was my band and they sounded amazing and people weren't graduated/ing and disappearing all over the place and then they did this one song we do with violin except they did it without it and I almost died 'cause it didn't sound half as good and there were so many things that were either less-awesome than my band or just different and weird that I felt like a terrible person for noticing them and comparing them. 
    • I miss my bannnnnddddddddd!
  • Helping break down things on stage = GOOD! <33
    • I got to help! I wasn't entirely useless!
      • I like helping, okay?! D:<
    • Only bad thing about that is that on stage it's very hot, but in the shade, so you don't actually realize how hot you are until you get out in the sun again, and then I almost passed out and was totally seeing spots/blurs/wiggly things that weren't there, and I sounded pale was totally stumbling all over the place. Which was probably not the most dignified way of leaving the scene. But whatever.
  • Home = GOOD!! <3333333zomg!
    • Srsly. Even if it is messy/screwy, it's niiiice to be home.
  • Naptime = BEST THING EVER? <33 x five bajillion and sixty-three.
    • I think it's going to be time for a repeat performance of the napping, soonlike!
  • Gatorade = lifesaving beverage of sheer awesome. <333
    • Mmmm. And it tastes good too. :3
One bad thing is that I never got the chance to make a geeky movie/show reference at anyone today. :(

Also zomgneedtomakegeekya/viconsrslyzomgzomg! I need to get on that. Sometime this week, perhaps. IMPORTANT THINGS, ICONS.

a/v, caffeine, humans are sillyfaces, either i'm paranoid or everyone's out to, church, hot, sometimes i reference tv shows and thing, creepy old men like me?!, i am a soundgeek, my sleeping habits fail, link, for here or to go?, my band is the best band evar!, florida-the-evil, sunlight and i have some issues

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