(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 04:13

So between the freakinghugemoth that invaded my room (and kept hiding when I finally got around to getting up to deal with it), Kitten being totally enamored with said freakinghugemoth one minute, and then trying to shred my face the next, and my random inability to sleep ten minutes without waking up from really freaky flashes of dreams, I've gotten about... an hour of sleep. Which has to last me from now until at least five tonight, possibly later than that. Good thing I have caffeine!

At least I'm not doing anything a/v that requires a whole lot of thought. Designated in the morning, and then maybe-possibly lights later? I don't know about the lights, though. It'd be cool, but probably won't happen. Meh.

Is it bad that I'm sort of hoping it rains really hard today or somehow this event we're having at church doesn't happen? I'm just worried, since it's the whole church, and that means the creepy dude that goes there and semi-stalks me will be there, and I DO NOT LIKE THAT. Especially since I have no official task assigned to me, meaning I will probably be having to behave as just another student-type-person, milling around all over, and um, eek? Eek even without creepyman skulking around. I don't think there's caffeine enough in the world to handle the freakout I'm going to be having if he stays.

In other news, Kitten has decided going under the comforter on my bed is a good idea. I'm disinclined to agree - I don't usually think twice about large wrinkles in my blankets, and have on several occasions decided to leap onto the bed, ignoring them... so far, she hasn't been there when that happened. If I squish my kitten, I will not be happy. D:

Also it's funny when I'm about to go off and do spiffytastic a/v stuff, and right now all I want to do (aside from sleep) is do more beadwork. xD

my sleeping habits fail, bugs are evil, caffeine, kittens!, church, designated, creepy old men like me?!

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