(no subject)

Aug 15, 2008 15:52

If you read my previous post, not much's changed since then, in regard to how I'm feeling right now. I'm a little less dead, but not really feeling even 90% normal yet, which is really dumb 'cause that's never, ever how this works. But whatever.

In other news, my unspoken wishes for Gatorade have been granted, the internet still hates me a lot, I'm seeing things randomly (which can be fun one minute and then is terrifying the next when I think there's a giant bug or something on the wall and there isn't), my sisters' friend was over and I had a conversation with him while Shan was busy showering without being annoyed or sounding not-civil, we had pineapple but apparently it is now gone, Kitten thinks she has free reign of the house, and I made pie.

Oh, and I've (re)discovered how to do peyote stitch (tiny beads + tiny thread + tiny needle = @_@;;;), and it's fun but maddening. I have no idea what I'm making, but I do know that it is very blue.

ow, family, girly moments sometimes happen, sometimes i make things, there are people in my house!, kittens!, the internet is a fiendish and fickle th

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