(no subject)

Aug 13, 2008 20:50

Today's been one of few days where I seriously wish I wasn't female. Not that I'd rather be a male or anything, but ugh. This is probably also going to be a mildly TMI type of post, because I feel like complaining a little bit.

So, basically my "time of the month" can be any time of the month at all... and sometimes twice in a month... or sometimes not at all for like three months... or sometimes it's normal. Today, I managed to get all aspects of the female monthly thing (including the PMS that usually lasts like at least three days for me before anything else ever appears) in the span of two hours with no other signs of it at all whatsoever. Which means I'm overly emotional and pissy while feeling like my insides are covered in flaming acid after being poked with pins for the last ten years. Which is lovely. If by lovely you mean absolutely terrible with a side-order of agonizing pain.

On top of that there's seriously no food in the house that ISN'T like a bajillion percent sodium, which totally makes it worse when I feel like this, and I've decided when I shop for myself I'm stocking up on things which are freakishly low in sodium, even if they taste nastylike, for just such an occasion, zomg. Also Gatorade. Also chocolate. And coffee ice cream. Because I want those right now too.

At least I don't have a headache...

In not TMI related news, Shan's boyfriend is back, and they are being mushy and gross and scarring my mind like they always used to. And he's totally officially adopted into the family, haha. I made him coffee (the way I always do, freakishly strong), and unlike Shan's former boyfriend who I never liked at all, he liked it and didn't spend a freaking hour complaining about how strong it was behind my back. xD

Also I made a strawberry-banana milkshake-thing today and it was very, very good. :3

ow, girly moments sometimes happen, there are people in my house!, ugh, annoyance, run away!

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