(no subject)

Jul 20, 2008 08:17

Yesterday involved me and mom skulking around Wal-Mart - on a Saturday afternoon, meaning it was less skulking and more slipping between displays and carts and small children and old ladies who glared and wanted us to die in a fire and freaky dudes (one of who winked at me, eww) and general people who apparently all flocked to Wal-Mart. Because our area is boring enough that that is the most entertaining place ever, apparently. That, or they all seriously needed to go shopping, but whatever. Also we went to another store and I got a shirt. It's red/white/black and swirly, and rather pretty. I might even wear it today, who knows.
So it's officially disgustingly hot to the point where my room is unbearable at all times, even at night. My air conditioner in the hall window (right in front of my doorway) is apparently dying or just can't possibly penetrate the huge wall of heat that hits as soon as you walk into the room. Right now it's still early morning and I'm dying. Not cool.

Also the heat wasn't helped by the fact that apparently Tylenol PM makes me, um, melt to death in three seconds. I took it before bed last night because my knees were both acting funny and hurting, and that's supposed to help and all, which I guess it sort of did, but I was like overheating and standing in front of the a/c for like an hour last night trying not to pass out or something. It was epic, but not a good-epic.

Today - church (hopefully second service, instead of third, because I do not feel like being hug-stalked by whatshisface, dude. Seriously, ew/eek), For Here or To Go? is playing with another band in the evening, and there's possible a/v if they need a lights!chick (God I hope so!), and... um, not sure what else. Fun stuff, though. Mhm.

In other news, I need a "it's freaking hot and I'm dying" icon.

for here or to go?, a/v, silly, medicine is silly, hot, florida-the-evil

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