(no subject)

May 31, 2008 17:30

Auto-list, as I'm having a hard time forming coherant transitions between thoughts.

  • My sister's boyfriend's dad's cousin (yeah, really) keeps asking sister to ask me to go out with him. I've never met him, but anyone in that family is an automatic NO from me. Also, while he's not "old" (only 20-something), he's creepy enough (from what I've heard, anyhow) that he fits in the "creepy old people like me?!" category. D:
  • My kitten (in the icon!) is sick! She's acting all sluggish and sleeping constantly (set her down somewhere, she curls up and sleeps in three seconds), and my sisters said she was throwing up earlier, and she has not eaten at all today. The other one is fine, so I'm thinking she ate something that didn't agree with her. What, I'm not sure, but that's the first thing I can think of. If she's not better tomorrow, I will worry. Shockingly I'm not really officially worrying. Which is strange, since worrying is something I'm hugely good at, but, yeah, not right now. Hum.
  • It is brainmeltingly hot in here right now, ohemgee. I'd go get in the pool, but I've discovered that swimming by oneself is not really fun. It's sort of boring, and feels like you're being watched. Or maybe that's just me. Whatever, instead I'm sitting here trying to think and failing because all I can think about is how it's too hot. Ughh.
  • Oh, Shan and Brandon just got back from ...wherever they were... so I'm going to go swim with them now! ^^ Yayyy!
  • And in other news, orange soda is good. :)

silly, brainmelting, kittens!, hot, creepy old men like me?!, florida-the-evil

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