(no subject)

May 23, 2008 18:09

A few things I have learned lately.
  • I? Am old.
    Now, that doesn't mean those older than myself are "old", because it's a personal thing, different for everybody, when they become officially "old". And I? Totally AM. And this distresses me. I'm not supposed to be more than ten, I think. That's how it feels, anyway. And here I am about to turn nineteen in a month or two, and I've skipped past "mid-life crisis" mode, and right into "over the hill, dying, I need to write my will soon, I might not be around much longer!" mode. Which is an equally terrible mode to be in. At this point, I'm halfway to being crazy retired old cat-lady - three cats, mentally am ancient and decrepit and dying, and I live IN FREAKING FLORIDA, which is sort of THE OLD PERSON STATE. D:
  • The new Indiana Jones is awesome.
  • Ironman is still awesome the three-and-a-half'th time through.
  • I want the Ironman soundtrack, because the music? Is also awesome.
  • The movie theater reminds me of an episode of The Office, with hilarity and silly antics to be had by all employees, and crazy-crazy scary patrons running around with their own antics (which are less silly and more dumb, but sometimes equally hilarious). ...Seriously though, we need to get cameras in there and get a show going or something. It's amazing. And then my momma would be on TV, which would be adorable.
  • I forget to update LJ during times when I am even remotely busy, because I think I've already done so. Because I'm silly.
  • Creepy crazy old men still hit on me. Which only adds to my I AM OLD feeling, by the way. D:

florida-sucks, movies, silly, i'm old!, onoes!, scary

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