I finally saw Deadpool tonight with a friend of mine. It's been out since mid-February, and I've watched a lot of the
utterly ridiculous promos, plus I saw other folks whose taste I generally trust being really excited for it, so I'm glad it's still in theaters around here.
It's certainly a violent film. I was fairly prepared for that, though; I mean, consider the
trailer. And though I am not a big fan of violence in films, because I'm not a fan of violence in real life and sometimes it's hard to forget that films aren't real life, there's a certain flavor of it that I do enjoy.
Consider my helpful questions: Does the violence entail the wholesale destruction of cities? That's hard to watch; I can't see that and not think of so many actual cities in the world right now. Is the violence depicted abusive and/or manipulative, a person with power preying upon those who don't have power? Ugh, again, too much like real life for me to forget myself. Is the violence completely over-the-top, good-guy vs bad-guy with few or no other casualties? Are there absurdly precise shots made while spinning through the air, and copious amounts of fake blood and/or grey matter spattering? Okay, I'm listening.
I actually have trouble watching films like The Avengers, for all that it does the good-guy/bad-guy thing, because honestly so many of the Marvel Comics Universe movies take themselves extremely seriously. When New York gets destroyed by the Big Bad, you see people running away, and people in office buildings cringing, and buildings being destroyed and I can't forget that those are things that are actually happening in, for example, Damascus right now. (Note: that doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to Captain America: Civil War. But I won't be watching it for the fight scenes.)
The thing I liked about Deadpool was that it manifestly doesn't take itself seriously. Not in the same way. (Did you watch any of those promos above? Yeah, that's the tone, the whole way through.) It's a story about a guy who keeps telling himself he has no fucks left to give, except he does where and when it counts (ahem), and it's really endearing. Alarmingly so, given the film's bodycount, and a big part of my writing here is me trying to figure out why.
...I'm not sure yet. I saw several volumes of Deadpool comics at the library the other day (yes this is another one of those films that started out as a comicbook series), and I'm going to read them. Maybe by then I'll have a better idea. Meantime, I really liked the film! However much that definitely says about me and my tastes.