I seem to have taken the weekend off.
What actually happened was that I spent all evening Saturday watching the
despecialized versions of the original trilogy -- Star Wars, again -- with friends, and I didn't get back to Mom's until well after midnight. And then yesterday was Easter, which I spent with the fam, but when I thought about writing here, I couldn't think of anything good to say and I didn't want to make an inane post on Easter.
I still love Star Wars, for the record.
And Easter was good. It was the first one I've been home for since possibly 2010? I definitely know I spent the previous three Easter holidays out of the country. We had, somewhat improbably, pork and sauerkraut and potatoes, but there was also asparagus and bowls of assorted jelly beans; it was enough. At one point, Phil commented on how strange it is that Easter is by all rights the biggest of Big Deal Holidays in the Christian calendar, and yet taking off work to observe it, for example, is virtually unheard of (at least in the US). Contrast that with how we as a culture observe Christmas.
In Greece everyone takes off for Easter Week -- I remember; we were told to stock up on essential groceries beforehand -- but then the Church has a much different role in Greek society. I'm okay with that, to be honest. Christian hegemony, US Style, is hard enough to deal with as it is.
So while it is interesting to me that Easter is one of those holidays that makes me go, Oh yeah that's right!, I don't mind the fact that it hasn't been commercialized to the degree Christmas has been. I mean, I like chocolate eggs just as much as the next person, but I'm also someone who keeps her spiritual practice very private. I appreciate the opportunity to observe, or not.
Meantime it is always good to eat too much food with the family.