Many a slip . . .

Oct 11, 2008 13:32

. . . 'twixt the microphone and the lip.

Yesterday, at a rally somewhere in Minnesota, McCain said, in reply to a couple of constituents who were calling for him to "get tough with Obama," that he wanted this to remain "a respectful campaign." I muttered "Since when?" at the time, but then this morning we started getting blasted with a long commercial with McCain's specific endorsement to the effect that "Obama is a liar who consorts with criminals and terrorists," hauling out the Rezko and Ayers charges.

About Rezko, I know little, though the Chicago SUN-TIMES offers a convincing defense,CST-NWS-watchdog24.article as far back as last January. As for Ayers, you who are more savvy about Chicago affairs are in a better position to comment, but it does seem to me that someone who has apparently been a respected member of the higher-education establishment for the last 20 years at least does not pose any sinister threat. Nor does he seem likely to have influenced Obama during Ayers' days as a disruptor of the public peace, he having been a Weatherman when Obama was in GRADE SCHOOL, for heaven's sake!

To return to the commercial, if this kind of swiftboating is McCain's way of maintaining "a respectful campaign," what does he think might cross the line?
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