I want to use SO many icons right now

Apr 30, 2011 22:31


That opening was brill! I love crazy ass rescues like that, where everything seems hopeless and it's really all just one big setup. The jump into the swimming pool! Everyone being such a badass team! I loved that the Doctor kissed the top of Rory's head when he emerged from the body bag <3

Canton is fantastic. Man, I wish he could stick around. I loved him fixing the Doctor's tie. Loved the 'Welcome to America' line. Gotta have one of those ;) Loved him being able to work the camera phone even though he's still not quite sure what it is. Just all around wonderful character. And I loved his 'He is' line ♥ I was telling my brother that something about him reminds me of Mulder from The X-Files. Maybe it's the whole FBI agent who doesn't play by the rules thing XD

Creepy ass orphanage is creepy. And with the Silence hanging from the ceiling. WTF?! NOT ON, MOFFAT! God, I hate the sound they make. It's like that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where members of the crew were being abducted. That clicking sound the aliens made. Still makes my skin crawl. And the fact that the Silence is just that much bigger than an average human. Their creepy pulsating heads are HUGE 0_0

What was with that lady at the door who said 'No, it looks like she's just dreaming'? Just influence from the Silence? (Silents?)

River. Kicks. Ass. I might've said before, but I wasn't too sold on her the first time we met her. However, I've been loving her lately. Love that she's a BAMF archaeologist ;D

Love that Amy can be both capable and vulnerable. She can kick ass and cry for help. And I loved her calling the Doctor her best friend and him laughing at her for 'time-head.'

Poor Rory. Thinking it was the Doctor she was talking about. Though in all fairness, hearing that, I would've thought the same thing. Rory, we love you. Amy loves you. You are also awesome. Remember that, Nose (aka Stupid Face).

The Doctor's solution to the Silence. FUCKING BRILLIANT. Choosing a moment we'd never forget to show us something we never remember. Having that interruption be the static moment in the 'One small step for man' speech. (And I love that the Doctor seemed so proud of himself with his 'out of time' line ♥ )

I know we were all kind of thinking the kid could be Amy's but WHAT IS GOING ON THERE? She is/isn't pregnant. The kid is a FREAKING TIME LORD?! Whaaaaaaaaaaat? I am going to love this ride. I'm probably going to want to kill Moffat during the cliffhanger hiatus 'season finale' whathaveyou.

doctor who, foooood, pictures

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