
Jul 04, 2007 19:35

So, I didn't get to see Transformers today. It was sold out and while normally I'd wait for the next showing, I was there with my dad, stepmother, and sister and we were seeing three different movies. Instead I went to see Live Free or Die Hard. What can I say? I loved it. I'm sure I would have enjoyed Transformers, but LFoDH was exactly what I was looking for in a movie today. Nothing too serious- although the threat/idea of virtual terrorism is incredibly disturbing- and a lot of stuff being blown up. A couple things I liked:

* McClane taught his daughter well. When she was asked to talk to her dad on the walkie talkie (after she had been kidnapped) all she told him was how many people were in the room with her ^_^

* Tuvok! You know, the only roles I've seen Tim Russ with outside of Star Trek has been government officials. If I hadn't seen bloopers from Voyager, I'd think the guy didn't know how to smile.

* Kevin Smith as a hacker was perfect. He's such a nerd <3 If the only people left on the planet were zombies, I'd want to talk to them too.

* I kept wondering if Danny would drag Nicholas to go see this movie. I also wonder what would happen if they watched Mission: Impossible III. You think Danny would have a slight crush on Benji ;D

* At the end, McClane shoots himself to get the bad guy behind him. That's badass XD


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