Pub quiz and holidays

Aug 13, 2014 21:06

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Went out to the Auld Hoose pub quiz last night with Jules,
original_aj, Suzi & Alex,
digitalraven & Jane, and a few others (11 in total). Much hilarity and innuendo was to be had over an oversized marrow, and we ended up as the Surprise Huge Marrow team.

Obviously with so many people we couldn't fail to win, and were 1st equal until the 4th round, when an evil football question caused us to lose by 4 points. Must try harder next time.

Also have just invested in a new very cheap pan (a Sainsburys wok). I suspect it's going back though -- I really need to get something better to replace our old Tefal one.


In other news, Jules has had two weeks off work, so I've been spending the time off with her. Still really need to catch up on work though: call for another iteration of my paper is now urgent! Instead I've been mostly drinking non-instant coffee and watching Minecraft videos.

There, I updated!

pub quiz, cooking, work

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