May events

May 12, 2014 15:40

So May has started, which means hay-fever and sunburn are just round the corner. Jules and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on the 1st (wow, how time flies), and I got her a wooden music box. Then on the 2nd my first paper was published, which had been the bane of my life for so long, it's nice to see it finally gone.

Then at the weekend, I went to my supervisor's flat for a cocktail party, had a drunken discussion about Scottish independence, then came home and was extremely ill. In fact that's the first day in about 15 years that I haven't had a cup of coffee, although I tried to make up for it with many cups of tea, as they seemed to add new life with every gulp.

Sorry for another annual update. I'll try to post more often in the future.

paper, hangovers from hell, wedding anniversary

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