F13! F13!

Aug 17, 2010 22:06

photo journal of the largest Friday the 13th bike meet in the event's history since 1981. 250,000 riders strong :D

morning at home before heading out :3

idk, my dad tries to remember to pick up stickers when they travel in the US. I think Mile High is in Colorado, though I'm not sure. they're also missing stickers from Arizona and Nevada.

after idling/crawling for an hour and a half at the town border, we finally make it into Port Dover.

there was literally no parking after 10 AM, these were the streets 4 km away from the actual event.

and get used to stupid people walking into/ruining my shots. here's some gixxers <3

bb Ducati taken for Dave.

mid to late 90s Hondas had some crazy colours (and matching gear to boot.)

first Vmax I'd ever seen in person. meh :P

I have a habit of taking photos of dashboards. such is life.

get out of my shot DX

there. some kinda trike.

there was a huge police presence at this thing (we'll get to why in a minute.) OPP and Golden Helmets all over the place.

lol. I bet that's not water.

these people have the right idea.

typical Canada :D

we don't serve your kind here!

the Norfolk Tavern is actually pretty nice on any other day, but good luck getting in on the 13th.

officially the shiniest Hayabusa I've ever seen.

found our friend Rick's bike, never found Rick.

an interesting contrast?

getting busier...

the Cayuga race track was trying to raise money for one thing or another and brought in some stock cars.

the Canadian forces: in ur driveways ploughing ur snow.

even busier...

people still rolling in.

that's more like it :) the guy up front has a wicked helmet, it's full-faced that folds up into a 3/4 for when you're stuck in traffic like this. I want one!

Aprilia *w*

OPP brought out their big ugly Crown Vics instead of the Chargers. LAME.

Daaaave's world. party on.

older VFR/CBR

I found a golden helmet :3

if you haven't figured it out, the police use the same model as my dad's bike.

beach break! too fucking hot, Erie was like bath water. notice the palm tree? yeah, I haven't figured that one out myself either.

damn that hill. especially going up it in these crowds.

haven't seen a VTR in a looong time.

custom this guy built all on his own, was selling it.

lol wtf. there were three Goldwings, not sure where from, that had these car trailers. it was... strange.

see what I mean?

o hallo there CBR 83 *steals*

more track promos, this one from Ohsweken Speedway.

some semi-famous local track dude, apparently.

if you remember the American flag bike I posted from the rally, this is the same one up from NY. I didn't get close enough last time to see the tourpak.

my dad was flipping out on me for taking this photo. the entire place was littered with Hells Angels, many of them packing. they took over Angelos and most of the sidestreet next to it selling their shirts. support the big red machine, ride route 81, etc. etc. the only reason besides traffic control that the police were out like mad.

I missed you, ORNGE chopper! where did your stretcher/sidecar go?

buahaha fucking 1980s Goldwings. just the worst.

not my favourite genre, but for airbrushing on a tank the detail is pretty impressive.

I'll bet this was fun to police all day.

would you believe this bike started off as the same model as that super shiny Hayabusa up top? money to burn, man.

you can never take too many shots of gixxers.

lol Kawi.

one of the earlier CBRs with a Hindle exhaust. still looking good :)

o hay there I am. and I just realized I wore the same shirt to two bike things in a row. craaap.

Big Dog Choppers out of Quebec. they ship you out a box and you build them yourself.

predecessor to the CBR.

seriously never-ending o__o

let's end on someone who knows how to kit their bike proper. Yoshimura ftw <3<3

motorcycle, epic, photos, summer fun

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