PBR Round 3!

Nov 02, 2008 23:35

Well, I wasn't planning on commentating this round, but given that I have a shiny brand-new Valdemar book, I know that if I don't commentate, I'll end up reading through half the event. Which would make me not happy, because when we get this close to the end of the season, I need to store up bull riding to get me through the offseason!

Awww. They're showing Valdiron de Oliveira's son and Renato Nunes' daughter in the locker room, "helping" their dads getting their ropes ready. How cute!

Talking about Joe Baumgartner's ankle injury. Showed him in the sports medicine room, with bonus bleeps. Poor guy - apparently he's already left Vegas, and will have surgery in the next day or two.

I'm watching the 8pm reair of this, rather than watching my recording - I debated, but it's easier to type when there are commercial breaks to catch up, and with the time change, I probably can't fall asleep much before 11 anyway.

And we're off! Edimundo Gomes, the Brazilian international competitor, is up first. Heh - he got the very last pick in the draft, and apparently the bull, Dog Pile, is exactly who McKee thought would go last. Bull gave Mad Dog chase, drove him to jump onto the fence. Can't see a fourth bullfighter - I'm guessing that they'll find a replacement for Joe next weekend, but since they have four bullfighters at the finals, compared to three at a normal event, the three remaining guys can presumably handle things themselves tonight.

Brazilian Leonil Santos goes up and out fairly quickly. Think he's rideless - definitely bucked off last night.

Scott Schiffner, who snuck in as the Canadian rep, against Crossfire Hurricane. Schiffner's ridelss so far, and rideless still, since I think he slapped at 3.7. But he definitely tried. This is the last round for the international reps, since unless any of them scored high enough to take the place of a top-45 rider, they go home after tonight. Ouch - bull knocked Frank Newsom into the fence as he went by.

Ryan Dirteater's up. So far, there have been no rides. Ryan is rideless so far. Wow! That was a great save, and now he's got his first ride of the event and the first ride of this round. 84.25 - bull switched to going in a straight line at the end of the round.

They talked briefly about Chris Shivers, who apparently has a history of not doing well at the finals. Sounds like a lot of the reason that he's doing so well this year - sitting in 4th right now - is that he's actually healthy going into the finals for a change.

Wow! Ryan McConnell on Blueberry Buckle just went off quickly. 2.3 seconds.

Rocky McDonald's up. He's another who's rideless so far. Might be changing that ... oh shit! Got a great ride, hanging on for dear life, but got hung at the end. Bull shook him loose, but he looks like he hurts. Got slung around under the bull's hooves a couple times. Yeah, right leg and left side. Aww, he's the Mexican rep, so his weekend is done, too.

Now, Billy Robinson's turn. He's fighting a shoulder injury, apparently needs surgery. Aww! Bucked off after 6 seconds and went prety much right under the bull's head. Damn! He's got blood running all down the back of his head! Ouch!

Clayton Foltyn - up and out, quickly. He got hit in the head pretty hard last night - Ty's saying again that if he didn't ride in a helmet, he'd be in the hospital with a bunch of plates in his face.

Oooh, Thursday's the other out of the rank pen! Awesome! Yup, I'll have to tell featherjean that we're putting off Supernatural and Life On Mars, cause the rank pen trumps all.

Matt Bohon's up. This .. yup, won't end well. Apparently at least he managed to pass the bull's typical buckoff time, but still went off.

Kolt Donaldson, also up and out quickly.

Shane Proctor's turn. Learned from Bucked that he's engaged to JB Mauney's older sister. *giggle* Well, the bull bucked to 8, then stopped dead in the middle of the arena. Which is always funny, cause they'll actually try to get the bull bucking again, even though the ride's over, so that the bull can launch the rider safely clear of the bull. Shane's now the first man to go 3-3.

Harve Stewart - wow! Great corrections, and lots of them! That's his first ride of the weekend, and it's an 89.5! Beautiful! And he got some spurring in.

Brian Herman, also 0-2. Make that 0-3 - off in 3 seconds.

Jared Farley's up next - he's 2-2, solid high-80s scores on both. Aww! He went down in 3.3. Wow, almost got stepped on by the bull's back hooves, too. That looked close.

Aaron Roy's up - he's another one who's 2-2. Wow, bull's bucking in the chute prety hard. Nice! Great ride, spurred for the latter half, so he's the second to go 3-3 now. That also got him the event lead for now, since a couple of Shane Proctor's scores were not as high.

Bryan Richardson - off in 7.1, bummer. Frank the Tank seemed to be going mostly straight, but he had some big belly rolls, and Bryan lost his rope. Seems he's 0-3 now.

Clayton Williams is up - another who's 0-2. Wow, that's a fast spinning bull. Got Clayton off, and he landed on his head, ouch. Seems a little dazed - good thing he wears a helmet. Bull also went after Frank Newsom, chased him around a bit.

Is it intermission already? Maybe, cause they're talking about Wiley Petersen breaking his collarbone and what it did to his season. Nope, guess not. I thought it was too early.

Dustin Hall's up on Holy Moly. Ouch, that was quick - all of 2 seconds, just slung him off. They're saying he maybe didn't look set when he left the chutes.

Cord! C'mon, Cord!! Ah, first they're showing his wreck from earlier this season, where he got hit in the head and got his helmet broke and had blood running all down his face. Holy shit, they're saying a couple years ago, he was in a saddle bronc accident and was in a coma for several weeks - they didn't think he'd walk again, much less ride bulls. Damn, he went off in 5.4. Although they do think he's improving, and still recovering from the whole coma thing. Yeah, now I really like the guy even more than I already did!

Josh Koschel, up and down. Heh - JW's saying he didn't even think the bull was really a finals-caliber bull. Guess he was wrong on that!

Ah, trivia - only guy to win the finals and the championship in the same year was Mike Lee in 2004. There's a reason the 2004 season is still the example that gets brought up of how many points a rider can make up in the finals.

Aww, Brian Canter went up and out quickly. Went off early, and slapped the bull even earlier. Damn.

Austin Meier's up vs Booger Butt. Shorty's picking the bull, and ... Shorty's right as always, bummer. Off in just over 4 seconds. He sure tried - hung on for dear life, but it wasn't enough. Good bull score, though, 44.75, and he's still 2-3.

Ah, talking about Paulo Crimber, being here to watch. Out for 22 events with broken vertebrae and broken collarbone, damn. Basically had two back-to-back injuries - came back from the broken neck, and promptly reinjured it. He thinks he'll be back in the 2010 season. Hehe - saying he's been babysitting the other Brazilians. I do love listening to him - his accent just makes me giggle, cause it's a crazy mutant accent consisting of Brazilian crossed with Texan. Quite strange.

Aww, Pistol went up and out pretty quickly. Great bull, though. Damn, he's $6000 behind Reese Cates in the rookie standings.

And speaking of ... holy crap! Reese Cates got a great ride, bull covering a lot of distance but doing it all while spinning. Close call on the dismount, but Mad Dog apparently basically threw him clear. Wow, 90.5! That's a lead change in the round, and moved him to 7th in the event.

Nick Landrenau (sp) went up and out quickly. He's rideless.

Hey, Kasey Hayes is up! C'mon, Kasey! Aww, damn. Hehe - they're saying his buck-off was very catlike, that he should have gone upside down but somehow managed to land mostly on his feet.

Hey, they're talking about Brendon, and that amazing ride on Scene of the Crash last night! That was a fantastic ride. And now Brendon is up - he's JW's pick to win the round, too. C'mon!!! Yes!! Pretty ride! 90.75!!! That's the round lead! Hahaha - background music is now "Man Down Under" - highly appropriate for the Aussie. Jumped to 6th in the event, too!

Oh dear, Colby Yates is up. Hopefully he doesn't get concussed again. Holy shit! That was his 5th concussion of the season, Friday night! No wonder he looked dazed last night.

Injury update: Brendon landed on his kneecaps, limped out of the arena but is okay. Billy Robinson is concussed and has been stitched up, Clayton Williams was concussed, and LJ is riding with a strained groin.

Okay, time to rewind, cause I missed way too much of Luke Snyder's ride, given that he came up looking like he was Batman. Okay, here goes. Ooh, landed on his head, couldn't get back on his feet, so kind of crawled to the chute, is being helped over the side of the chute (after hanging off the side of it for a minute, being held up by his spotter). Frank Newsom flung him out of the way after he bucked off. He's now moving under his own power, but still being escorted to sports medicine.

Robson Palermo's up. And got the ride, nice one. Gonna be a solid score, although not spectacular. 85.75, yup.

Wow, Robson's only the 8th qualified ride of the night! Apparently, the first night was the "spinners", which I'm gathering were supposed to be the easiest bulls. Tonight's bulls are the middle bulls, between the spinner pen and the rank pen, and some of them could probably have been in the rank pen.

*sigh* Why is it, whenever I rewind to rewatch something, then skip back to live, I always seem to land on the worst commercials? It sucks.

Heh - no wonder I thought the commentator's voice in the fight commercials sounded like Craig Hummer. Sounds like he does, in fact, cover WEC.

Chris Shivers is up. Apparently he hasn't felt this good in years, after his neck surgery. Oh no! Went down in 7.9! Pushes the challenge button, good. He was having trouble getting his feet back under him after he went down, which isn't good - Frank Newsom was kind of half-carrying him clear of the bull, and he landed right on his neck, damn. But good, he's not holding his neck an the sports medicine guys aren't over by him, so it looks like he was just a little dazed from hitting the ground. *crosses fingers* Still waiting on the replay judge. C'mon ... yay!!!! He got scored!!!! Fantastic!! And this'll be a good score - he only needs an 82.75 for the event lead, and he'll beat that easily. C'mon, show the whole score! 89.75.

Mike White's out now, made it all the way, pulled in an 86. He's now 2-3.

Sean Willingham's up - he's rideless. Damn! Mean Machine's trying to climb out of the chute! Michael Gaffney, who was on the back of the chute, was basically hanging on to Sean to keep him from ending up in a bad place. Heh - apparently Michael asked the stock contractor if the bull was bad in the chute, and the contractor said no. Obviously, contractor was wrong! And Sean's out now, and ... he got it! Good for him, nice-looking ride. At this point, I'm not sure it matters what the score is - he just needed to ride. Pulled in an 88.5, too.

JB! He was McKee's pick to win the round - like last night, and the night before! So far JB hasn't let him down yet! C'mon, JB! At this point, I don't think anyone can practically take out Marchi, but I'd love to see JB win the finals ... and there he goes! 3-3! Fantastic! Man, but he hurts - he's limping and making faces, maybe a groin injury? 87.75 is the score, which shoots him back to the event lead (even if it is a comedown from his previous scores!). Ouch, Frank Newsom took a hard shot, as did Mad Dog, then Shorty ran in to divert Boogie Board from the other bullfighters.

Okay, now it's intermission. Thinking it's time for me to go take an eclair out of the freezer - I want dessert!

Reindeer Dippin! Wow, he's 2-48! Apparently, he's being retired at the end of the season. Heh - talkng about how crazy he is, how he has a screw loose. *giggle* Justin: "If I was his owner, I'd've had a heart attack long ago." Talking about how he's bucking one out, and running down the pen "like he's in the Kentucky Derby" the next. *laugh* "Those that stayed on him and rode him - huge scores. Those that bucked off - great aerials."

Huh - you learn something new every day. Adriano holds a church service in his hotel room at every finals. Looked to be some of the other Brazilians and their families. That's cool.

Justin's up! C'mon, Justin! Given that he's retiring, I'd love to see him have a good showing in this finals. He's 1-2 so far. C'mon! Almost! There! Got it! Good ride! And wow! got a 24 from one judge! Much higher rider scores than bull scores - total is a 90.5! He should be tied for second in the round, now, if I'm remembering correctly.

Adriano's up next. They're taking a break first to talk about his 2006 championship win first, but now, back to the ride. Ah, he's up against Smash Hit. This was, apparently, a surprising pick - the bull is fairly small, and Adriano is not. And it apparently was a bad pick - Adriano went off. The commentators are shocked - they all thought he'd handle Smash Hit easily. Instead, off in 6. He's 2-3.

Travis Briscoe is up, he's 1-2. Wow! And off he goes in 2.9. Got some serious airtime, too. 1-3, now.

Ednei Caminhas is trying to get his first ride, and ... no. Off in 6, which is the longest he's stayed on all weekend.

Dustin Elliott's up and out in 3.2.

Wiley's up. C'mon, Wiley! Aww, damn. Shorty picked Wiley to ride, too! Instead, off in 5.5. He's now 1-3, I think.

LJ Jenkins is up now - he's 1-2. C'mon, LJ!! Almost!! Oh no! Off in 7.5, so close. And I don't like that - he's doubled over in the chute. Now getting half-carried out by sports medicine. Not good.

Ross Coleman is up now. I know how this will go caus eI saw on the website. He rides, and nearly gets stomped on his dismount. That was way close. He pulls in a 90.75, tying Brendon for the round lead. Damn, he almost got his head stepped on! Hehe, showed Justin and Brendon on the back of the chute cheering him on. Ross is now tied for 8th in the event.

Dessert time!

And right as I finish my eclair - the final five rides!

First of the last is Mike Lee. C'mon, Mike! Nice, got the ride! Not much spinning, so it won't be a great score, but it's still a score. Yup, 83.25. Puts Mike at 2-3.

Renato Nunes is up - he's 2-2 so far, was 2nd in the event after last night. Said in interview that since he can't win the championship (he's mathematically eliminated) his goal is to win the finals. So let's see how he does ... and the answer is not good. Hhahaha - Ty's giving up on the commentator competition, since Renato was his pick.

Kody! C'mon, Kody!! Ack! Hang on! YES! He got it! He should be 2-3 now. Pulled in an 89.25. That's got him to 10th in the event.

Last two guys. Valdiron's up first vs Red Light. *laughs* The bull poked the camera with his nose when he bucked in the chute. Valdiron's looking good, and he has it. Good ride! 89.5. Although apparently, he stayed in the chute too long, and may get fined for it. And will get fined quite a bit, since he's been fined before.

Last up - Guilherme Marchi. Wow, big leap from the bull the minute the chute opens. Rides, good ride. Gets an 88. Can't get the event lead off it, but nevertheless he's 3-3 and putting the championship further and further out of reach. It's not locked up yet, but he could lock it up as early as Thursday if he rides and his closest competitors buck off.

5 perfect guys - JB, Chris Shivers, Marchi, Shane Proctor, and Aaron Roy. Cool. JB's leading by 3 full points over Marchi,

And so it ends! Round 4 will be on Thursday, and as far as I'm concerned, it definitely warrants putting off Supernatural and Life On Mars.


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