Nov 06, 2007 19:17
4chan + putting off classwork + work + late night download of Heroes episode + early morning lab == Kiah is tired as like wow. I need to sleep a million hours, and awesome it looks like they need me to pick up an extra shift this weekend.
There's about a month left in the semester, and I've only just gotten a firm grasp of what I have to do to keep a handle on my classes. To do: Don't fuck around as much next semester. Sleep more (immediate future). Work out and eat healthier. Get my license and a scooter or something? Etc etc.
I. The Basics
1. Where do you live? Country, state, province, prefecture, city, whatever.
Athens, GA
2. Dormitory, old Victorian town house, pup tent, or high-rise? What kind of structure are you living in?
3. How long have you been there? Why did you move in?
Moved in August 20... so two and a half months. The dorms are mandatory for freshmen, but more importantly I got to move out of the house. nyoro~n
4. How's the view when you look outside? You know, if you have any windows.
Parking lot, with some buildings off in the distance.
5. What's your favorite time of year at home? Why?
I haven't lived here that long. I pretty much like it whenever I walk into the room and it's the right temperature for whatever weather I just came out of.
II. The Company
1. Do you live alone? If not, who are your room-/house-/flat-mates?
I have one roommate, a friend of mine from high school.
2. What about pets?
Yeah no. Too small, not the biggest animal fan.
3. Do you get along with your co-habitant(s)? (If you live alone, do you get along with your neighbors?)
Me and Rob get along really well. We're both I AM GOING TO SODOMIZE YOU >:3 kind of guys, so we get along fine. The guys I've met on my side of the hall are pretty nice too, barring one cunt-lipped sack of fail.
4. Who is your favorite?
I suppose I'd say Rob, but I'm also the most familiar with him. Of the newfags, I think I get along best with Curtis.
5. Who is your least favorite? Be brutal.
David (the aforementioned cunt-lipped sack of fail) is a tremendous douche. Fuck him.
III. The Clutter
1. Would you say you live comfortably?
2. What do you see when you wake up in the morning? When you walk in the front door?
I don't fucking know. I tend to either go back to sleep for a few more minutes or scramble off to the shower, I don't really look at much. The rug's the first thing I see on my way in, though.
3. Do you have internet access and/or television at home?
Oh god yes, and since you can watch anything on line, also yes.
4. What object at home do you most despise?
The inevitable clutter? I dunno. We have a Wii connected to an old, tiny TV and a shitty VCR that causes white noise no matter what you do. It's such an old VCR. I need to move out of the dark ages.
5. What one addition could your living arrangements use?
Personal bathroom.
IV. The Action
1. Do you host parties? What kinds?
Well, me and Rob have the most floor space (read: we have floor space), so we ended up hosting the last hall party. Past that, though, we don't do shit.
2. What takes place on a weekend or day off at home?
Rob usually heads home, I tend to have to work once or twice over the weekend. Days off are spent wasted on the internets.
3. Where are the best places to hide?
It's a dorm. Sometimes Rob or I fail to notice if the other is in bed, but that's about it. You could hide behind the door for a limited amount of time, I suppose.
4. What kind of indoor sports do you play there? Pillowfighting? Stair sledding? Dodge-keys?
Olympic Masturbation
5. What is your favorite thing to do at home?
V. Tag 5 People!
1. Sheena
2. EB
3. Snarby?
4. Cei
5. JL