Fic: Connecting the Dots 5/19; AU; R (sex, language)

Mar 23, 2012 01:21

Title: Connecting the Dots: Chapter 3 - 5/19 (completed)
Chapter Pairing: Evan/Paul Davis, John, Rodney
Chapter Rating: R
Chapter Word Count: 1370
Chapter Summary: Evan volunteers for Atlantis and meets his new commander
Chapter Notes: beginning of Atlantis season 2 between The Siege & The Intruder
Notes: Connecting the Dots is a look at Evan's journey throughout Stargate. Overall it's approximately 38,000 words, with chapter ratings mostly hovering between PG-13 and NC-17. I began this some time ago (>1 year) and it was initially betaed by
fififolle and
whytewytch4 who provided great feedback on plot, punctuation and a host of other issues. (Thanks!) Any remaining issues are completely attributable to me.

“General Landry,” Evan calls as he enters the base commander’s office. “May I speak with you, sir?”

“Of course, Major. Have a seat. You don’t by any chance happen to have a screwdriver on you?”

“No, sir. Sorry. I can go grab you one real quick.” Evan begins to stand again.

“Nah.” Landry waves him off. “Can’t be anything important in there.” He gives a final appraising look at the desk drawer before giving Evan his full attention. “What can I do for you, son?”

“Sir, I’d like to volunteer for Atlantis. I hear through the grapevine that they’re looking for officers to go back. From my limited recon, Sheppard sounds like someone who is going to need a strong second-in-command. Sir, I think I’ve proven myself out there and would be just the type of officer needed for the expedition.”

A slow smile appears on Landry’s face. “Well, Major. I happen to think you’re right. In fact, I have a meeting scheduled with Sheppard -”

“General Landry.” Evan hears a man speak behind him as he enters the office. “Reporting as ordered.”

“ - now,” Landry finishes. “Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, meet your new second-in-command, Major Evan Lorne.”

Evan stands and turns to salute his new commander. Locking eyes with John, they both hesitate as recognition hits them.

“Major,” John says tightly.

“Colonel.” Though he tries to give nothing away, he knows there was a hint of resignation in his voice.

“I think you two will do very well together,” Landry says as everyone takes seats.


Not looking up from the paperwork John says, “Thank you, Major. Well done. Dismissed.”

As Evan leaves John’s office he shakes his head.

Since being assigned to Atlantis, he’s had to work with Colonel Sheppard and Doctor Weir on getting the expedition’s logistics settled for their return. Though amicable, every time he’s alone with Sheppard there is a tense awkwardness. He’s tried to break the ice by making small talk but it always falls flat.

Entering the mess hall for dinner he collects his tray of food, waves to a few friends and sits at a table in a corner. Just wanting the time to himself he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. In the process of clearing his mind his reverie is broken when some joins him at the table.

“You’re Edwin Lopez, right?”

Opening his eyes he sees a pasty and slightly pudgy man sitting across from him.

“Close. Evan Lorne.”

“Evan? Are you sure? That doesn’t sound right. Are you assigned to Atlantis as John’s second-in-command?”

“That would be me. And you are…?”

The man gives him a look of disbelief. “Dr. Rodney McKay, Chief Scientist,” he says around a mouth full of Salisbury steak. “I know more about the stargates than you know about yourself.”

“Pretentious much?”

McKay gives him a patient look. “It’s not pretentious if it’s true.”

“So, what can I do for you, Doctor?” It’s only been thirty seconds but Evan already knows he’s going to have to spend as little time with the scientist as possible.

“Nothing, really,” McKay says as he continues to eat. “I’m trying to work on my people skills. I wanted to see if I could have a conversation with you. Most of you military types are too obtuse and simple-minded to understand how to operate a DVR let alone have a conversation with me. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. They say you have some sort of degree in geology so you have to be marginally more intelligent than the rocks you study. Besides, with Sheppard’s track record they’d have to put someone with a bit more common sense than he has in the position.”

“That’s very kind of you. How are those people skills coming?”

McKay shrugs. “I don’t know. So far this is the first conversation I’ve had. But you’re still here so it can’t be too bad.”

“I’m known for being polite,” Evan deadpans.

“Hey, Rodney,” John says as he sits next to Evan, not acknowledging the major. “How’s your new staff shaping up?”

“Like overweight hogs. They are completely useless,” he explains in response to their perplexed looks. “If they are the best Earth has to offer, this planet has less than thirty-six hours left.”

John sighs. “Always the optimist, McKay.”

As John and Rodney talk, Evan feels more and more like an outsider. Finished with his meal, he stands and leaves the table not at all surprised when neither man bids him farewell.

Off duty for the day and needing time to himself he returns to his room. Planning to do nothing more than put on some music and open a book, he wearily makes his way through the halls. Entering his quarters he stops short with a genuine smile forming on his face.

“I hope you don’t mind I let myself in,” Paul says from where he’s reclining on Evan’s bed. Setting aside his own book he stands and pulls Evan into a friendly hug. “How’ve you been? Heard you got a promotion of sorts.”

“Yeah,” he laughs humorlessly as they release their embrace. “And you will never believe who I’m working with.”

“The newly promoted Lieutenant Colonel Sheppard,” Paul says as if it’s the most obvious thing.

“Yes. But do you remember when we met at that bar?”

Paul gives Evan a look of curiosity. “Yeah?”

“The guy I was with named John…”

“Wait…John Sheppard?” Paul’s eyes are wide in disbelief.

“Yep.” Evan nods slowly in resignation. “It’s him. And it seems he may be holding a bit of a grudge.”

“Shit.” Paul pulls Evan close again, this time in consolation.

“I know. If it weren’t happening to me, I wouldn’t believe it.” Evan gives Paul a kiss before pulling away to change into sleepwear. “No offense, because you know I never tire of seeing you, but why are you here?”

“Officially: to impress upon Sheppard the seriousness of command - though now I have to rethink my strategy for dealing with him. I really came just to see you before you leave. I don’t want to sound melodramatic but I’m going to miss you. Unless you write me every day I’m going to worry about you.”

“Paul.” Evan chuckles, stepping into Paul’s space. “It’s just another off-world mission - albeit an extended one. I’ll be fine. And chances are, with Sheppard’s record, I’ll be taking care of things in the city while he does missions.”

“True.” Paul gives Evan a sad smile. “But that’s not going to make me miss you less.”

“Honestly, I’m going to miss you, too.” He takes Paul in a deep kiss. “And I’m going to miss this tight ass,” he says as he lowers his hands to grab Paul’s ass, pulling him closer. Feeling Paul’s erection against his hip he brings a hand around to knead it. “Got any plans for this evening?”

“Just spending time with you.”


Evan has Paul on his back on the bed in record time. Being in the mountain they know that they have a limited window for any dalliances. Using the skill and dexterity honed over years of coupling, Evan has himself sheathed in Paul’s body with the minimal removal of clothing. Their sex is quick but tender and expresses much neither could ever say to each other on what will probably be their last night together.

“So, are you ready for the excitement that is Pegasus?” Paul asks as they fix their clothes.

“I guess. But from the mission reports I’ve read I don’t think -” He breaks off hearing a knock at the door.

After double checking that they are both decent, Evan opens the door to find Colonel Sheppard on the other side.

“Yes, sir?” Evan comes to attention in front of his commander.

“At ease, Lorne. I stopped by to -” Sheppard cocks his head to one side and narrows his eyes as he spies Paul in the room behind Evan. As he stands in the doorway the scent of their sex begins to waft over him. Screwing up his face and shaking his head he walks away without another word.

“Colonel Sheppard! Colonel,” Evan calls down the corridor receiving no response. “Well, shit.”

Chapter 4

sga, r, rodney, connecting the dots, evan/paul davis, john

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