Fic: Connecting the Dots 4/19; AU; G

Mar 23, 2012 00:58

Title: Connecting the Dots: Chapter 2 - 4/19 (completed)
Chapter Pairing: Evan/Paul Emerson, Evan/Daniel Jackson
Chapter Rating: NC-17
Chapter Word Count: 3006
Chapter Summary: Evan runs into someone from his past
Chapter Notes: after SG-1 Zero Hour
Chapter Warning: non-con
Notes: Connecting the Dots is a look at Evan's journey throughout Stargate. Overall it's approximately 38,000 words, with chapter ratings mostly hovering between PG-13 and NC-17. I began this some time ago (>1 year) and it was initially betaed by
fififolle and
whytewytch4 who provided great feedback on plot, punctuation and a host of other issues. (Thanks!) Any remaining issues are completely attributable to me.

Walking from the mess hall back to his quarters Evan is almost to his room when someone calls to him.

“Evan? Evan Lorne? Is that you?”

Evan turns to the speaker. Vaguely recognizing him, Evan struggles to recall the man’s name.

“Paul. Paul Emerson.” The man extends his hand letting Evan off the hook.

“Oh! Wow!” Evan finally remembers the man in front of him as the brother of Jason, his college friend. “Paul, how are you?”

“That’s Colonel Emerson to you, Major,” he says with a wink. “I’m doing well. How about you?”

“Good. I’m good. I thought you were an attorney?”

“I am…or was. To make a long story short: I was happily minding my own business working cases when it came time to recertify for flight. The X-302s were just coming online and there was one on the deck. I took it up and was hooked. Haven’t looked back since. No offense but what are you doing here?”

“I enlisted,” Evan says slowly not quite understanding what Paul means.

“I get that.” Paul rolls his eyes. “I mean,” he lowers his voice, “with your past how did you get in the Program?”

“Oh.” With the number of people passing in the corridor Evan thinks it best to continue in private. “Got a minute?” He indicates his room.

“Sure.” Paul shrugs and follows Evan inside. He takes a seat in the lone chair as Evan sits on the side of his bed. “So how’d it happen?”

“They came to me during my post-grad work saying they needed geologists for a special project. Paul, they took care of everything.”



“That explains why Jason didn’t seem to be too upset about you disappearing and how he’s still making money. They paid him off, didn’t they?”

“Yeah.” Evan sighs. “He had to sign a tight confidentiality agreement. If he even dreams about me he’ll be locked away.”

“That explains the stream of guys he’s dated. I imagine it would take quite a bit to get over you.”

“Thanks.” Evan laughs as Paul stands to leave.

“So, I’ll be here for two days, got any missions scheduled?” Paul looks down at Evan.

“No. Just duty time.”

“Great. Dinner tomorrow?”

“Sure.” Evan smiles at Paul. “It’ll be great to catch up with you and hear about what is happening with Jason.”

“Alright. Meet you here at 1700?”

“Sounds good.”

Paul pauses at the door. He turns and looks at Evan. “It’s really good to see you, Evan.”

“You, too, Paul.” He watches as Paul exits the room, sure he didn’t imagine the heat of desire in the final look on Paul’s face.


“And then the jackass decided he’d try to take on Heka and lost. Miserably. That’s when he was reassigned.”

“I always thought Edwards was an ass.” Paul laughs as they enter his room. As a senior officer his quarters are larger and he is able to entertain comfortably. “Beer?”

“Sure.” Evan takes a seat as Paul grabs two bottles from his mini-fridge, passing him one.

“How’s it been for you since enlisting?” Paul remains standing in front of where Evan is sitting.

“Not bad.” Though he doesn’t feel uncomfortable, Evan is curious as to why Paul is hovering. As he analyzes Paul’s demeanor he wonders if the man is trying to intimidate him, show his dominance. “I’ve been able to do some geology work which makes me happy. And the missions I’ve been on have all been interesting to say the least.”

“Good. But I meant personally. Seeing anyone? I know it’s hard to hook up under these conditions.”

“Not really. I do have a buddy that I see occasionally. He’s in town infrequently, though.”

“Not serious?”


Paul narrows his eyes. “Evan, I know I don’t have the right to say this to you but I don’t think I like the idea of you risking your career with random men.”

“No worries, I’m careful. And it’s not men, just the one. He’s as discrete as I am.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Paul gives him a blatantly possessive look. “Since I began looking over your contracts I’ve worried about you and your lifestyle. And now that I know you’re here I feel I should keep an eye on you.”

“Thanks but I think I’m doing alright.”

“Maybe I phrased that wrong, Major. As long as I’m in the Program you are not to see anyone without my permission. Understood?”

Because he knows this conversation could never be reported, Evan smirks insubordinately. And from the bulge he can see in Paul’s pants he knows what Paul is leading up to and the idea excites him.

Back in college when he met Paul, Evan had a crush on the older man. However, Paul always had a steady stream of women on his arm. Seeing him again has rekindled those feelings and the combination of the uniform and his superior rank makes Paul that much more attractive. “Sir, I don’t think I can do that without sufficient reason.”

“Major, I have one big reason that would behoove you to follow my order.” Unzipping his pants Paul fishes out his erection for Evan to see.

“That is a pretty good reason, sir.”

“I thought so. In your mouth, Major. I hate to use the phrase quid pro quo but I provided legal services to you pro bono so I think you could do the same. I saw some of your scenes and I know what you’re capable of.”

“Yes, sir.” Evan says nothing more before he takes Paul into his mouth. Though he’s wanted this for years, he never dreamed it could happen.

Taking his time, savoring the musky scent and taste of the older man’s crotch, Evan licks up and down the shaft lubricating it before swallowing it completely. He bobs his head on it a few times erratically knowing it won’t take long for Paul to grasp his head and begin controlling his movements. When he finally feels Paul’s hands on his head Evan moans in pleasure.

“Oh, you are a good little cocksucker, aren’t you?” Paul growls. “Now that you’re mine I’m not going to hold back. Sorry for the short ride, but here it comes.”

Surprised by how quickly it takes for Paul to climax, Evan is shocked when Paul pulls out and shoots on his face, marking him. Once the aftershocks die down Paul begins running his fingers through the mess on Evan’s face eventually feeding it to Evan.

“I expect you to report to me ASAP when I come back to the SGC,” Paul says as he continues to use his fingers to clean Evan. “And I was serious about wanting to know who you’re with. Unless you have a problem with it you’re mine, Lorne.”

In response, Evan rubs Paul’s cock over his face collecting more cum and sucks it clean before tucking it away with a smile. “Understood. Sir.”


After cleaning up and sharing a few beers with Paul, Evan is on his way to his room. Thankfully he doesn’t have to report until noon, so he can -

Before he can cry out his mouth is covered and he is lifted and carried into a dark, empty room.

Forcefully bent over a worktable his pants are lowered and a cold, wet finger breeches him.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten about me,” a voice whispers huskily in his ear. “I sure as hell haven’t forgotten about you. Though I am surprised to see that you and Emerson may have something going on. But I feel better knowing you don’t mind older guys.”

It takes him a moment but once he recognizes Daniel’s voice he moans in need.

“That’s it, Evan. Let it out.” Daniel inserts a second finger. “You haven’t been fucking him? Because you seem just as tight as I remember. Oh, that’s right.” He sneers condescendingly. “You’re a top.” Almost impossibly Daniel lowers his voice even further. “Didn’t picture Emerson as a bottom but whatever. When I finish with you you’re going to beg me to fuck you again.”

After removing his fingers Daniel begins to press his cock into Evan’s barely prepared hole. Taking mercy on Evan he moves slowly using Evan’s breathing as a guide. Once fully sheathed he rests for a moment as he feels Evan’s muscles spasm around him.

“The worst is over,” he whispers tenderly, rubbing soothing circles over Evan’s back. “Just relax and Danny will do all the work. I’m going to make you feel good, Evan,” he says as he slowly pulls out. Pushing back in with the same care he mutters, “This is so much better than I imagined.”

“Damn it, Daniel,” Evan bites out after he is able to pry Daniel’s hand off his mouth. Torn between giving over to pleasure and stoking his anger he chooses to not submit easily. “Get the fuck off me!”

“This is happening, Evan,” Daniel says sternly, grabbing Evan’s hips. “You can either enjoy the ride or walk out of here limping. Your choice.”

“Or I can kick your fucking ass, you piece of shit! You better fuck me into oblivion because if I’m able to walk I’m going to hunt you down and - sonofabitch!” Evan’s eyes water in pain.

Having pulled completely out Daniel repeatedly shoves his massive cock roughly back into Evan’s still constricted hole. When he hears Evan begin to whimper he buries himself completely, thrusting his hips hard enough to lift and hold Evan’s feet off the floor.

“I’m sorry, Evan,” Daniel says nastily. “You were saying?”

“Oh, god, nothing…nothing…just…please, no more.”

Daniel brings a hand up to stroke Evan’s back as he withdraws far enough for Evan’s feet to again touch the ground. He remains motionless until he feels Evan’s sphincter begin to relax around him.

“That’s it,” Daniel coos as he pulls out, watching his dick emerge. “Make room for Danny. It feels so good to finally do this. I always thought it takes a good top to make an even better bottom.”

“Let’s prove it: Let me fuck the shit out of you, bastard.”

“What?” Daniel gives another nasty thrust, earning a gasp and a shake of the head from Evan. “Didn’t think so. I never thought you’d be so resistant. It may take a few of these training sessions to break you in. But maybe that’s it. Do you like it rough, Evan? Are you hoping that I’ll just take you and fuck you whenever I want? Where ever I want?” Not receiving an answer, he gives another rough thrust. “Answer me.”

“No, sir,” Evan gasps.

“Oh, so you really don’t want my cock?” Daniel pulls out and pulls up his pants. “Fine,” he says with a contemptuous smirk, “I know someone who does.” He opens the door and walks out leaving Evan to sort himself.

Confused about what just happened Evan composes himself and makes his way to his room.

Though he did not necessarily want to be taken so roughly and unaware he lays on his bed with a raging hard-on from his encounter. He gives it a few determined strokes before he realizes that nothing he does to himself tonight will truly be satisfying…especially with the yearning looseness of his hole.

Unable to find a sufficiently satisfying release he falls into a fitful sleep.


“Good morning, Colonel, Doctor. May I join you?”

“Sure, Evan.” Sam smiles. “Have a seat.”

Evan sits at the table with Sam and Daniel and talk amicably for a few minutes before Sam excuses herself, explaining that she has some experiments to check on before her briefing.

“Doctor Jackson…Daniel,” Evan says demurely. “If you’ll agree to it, I’d like to try that experiment again. I belatedly realized last night that I declined without giving it a chance.”

“Really,” Daniel says tightly as he glares across the table. “Well, I’m sorry, Major. I don’t know when I’ll have time in my schedule. I’ll let you know when I’m free.” Without another word, he stands and leaves Evan alone at the table.

Evan continues his meal in silence. Though he’s not surprised by Daniel’s refusal he equally did not expect the amount of anger in Daniel’s voice. Disappointed with himself for letting the chance slip through his fingers he takes his tray and disposes of the remainder of his breakfast before reporting for duty.

“Lorne, glad you’re here,” General O’Neill says when Evan enters the general’s office. “Got anything planned for the day?”
“No, sir.” Still getting used to O’Neill’s command style, Evan eyes the general with amusement. “Thought I’d come see if you had something for me, sir.”

“As a matter of fact… The Prometheus is going to beam you over to Nevada to do some flight tests on our new X-304. You’ll report to her commander, Colonel Emerson.”

“Yes, sir.” Happy with being able to see Paul, he struggles to keep a straight face as he walks to the gate room. Upon arrival he signals Walter to request the beam out.

“Major Lorne.” Emerson greets him as he materializes on the bridge. “Welcome aboard the Odyssey.”

“Thank you, sir. So this is your ship?”

“Yeah, just found out this morning. Apparently O’Neill thinks I need to get away from the planet for awhile. Something about my humor being too dry and sarcastic even for him.”

Evan laughs openly. “I bet.”

“This is your station.” Emerson points to a console in front and to the right of his chair. “There’s a crew down in engineering watching the systems but otherwise it’s just us up here.” He openly leers at Evan.


“Good.” A smirk crosses Paul’s face. After taking a seat in the command chair, Emerson contacts the SGC and they receive clearance to ascend. “Major Lorne, once we’re clear of the atmosphere engage the sub-light engines and set a course for Jupiter. Upon arrival, switch on the hyperdrive for a thirty-minute jump through open space to a point of your choosing; just alert the SGC to your chosen course.”

“Yes, sir.”

They travel in near silence for fifteen minutes, the only communication being intermittent reports from the crew down in engineering.

“Jumping into hyperspace, sir,” Evan reports.

“Do it.” The colonel watches as Evan inputs the commands and the ship slips into subspace. “Confirm with engineering that systems are nominal.”

“Yes, sir.” He communicates with the crew before reporting back, “Systems are operating as expected, sir.”

“Good. Come here, Major.”


“Come. Here,” Paul orders.

With a curious look, Evan stands and walks over to his commander’s chair.

“Major, this is my first flight as commander of the Odyssey. As such, it’s customary for the ship to be christened…as well as her commander.”

“Yes, sir.” Though he’s excited by this unexpected turn of events, Evan’s face remains impassive as he watches the man unzip his flight suit and pull out his erection.

“Major,” Emerson says as he puts on a condom and slicks it with lube. “I want you to ride me. You will sit on my cock and fuck yourself for the next twenty minutes.”

“Uh, I don’t know if I can, sir.” Even though he wants to and had even approached Daniel earlier, he doesn’t know if his abused hole would be able to take a prolonged assault after what happened the previous night.

“Excuse me, Major? That was not a request it was an order. Now turn your ass around and have a seat.”

Seeing Evan’s hesitation, Emerson grabs Evan and spins him around. Undoing Evan’s pants and lowering them, he spreads Evan’s cheeks in order to prepare him. Upon seeing the red, swollen ring, he growls. “Major…Evan, did you fuck someone after I told you to check with me first?”

“Not exactly…”

“Let me rephrase: Did someone put his dick in your ass after I told you that you were mine?”

“Yes, sir. I tried to -”

“Unacceptable!” He stands and pushes Evan over the other chair. “When I give you an order I expect it to be followed.” With one lunge, he fully inserts himself into Evan. Though not as large as Daniel, the unprepared intrusion still hurts unbelievably. Evan holds on to the chair biting his lip against the pain as Emerson slams into him unmercifully, grunting each time.

“You’re nothing but a little slut, aren’t you?” Emerson begins ranting as he builds toward his climax. “Do you like being a tease? Is that it? Or did you think I was kidding when I said you need my permission? Well, son, you fucked with the wrong man. Your ass is mine forever. I don’t give a fuck if you change your ways and become a Pentecostal preacher, I’m going to find you and fuck your ass whenever I want. Treat you like the prostitute that you are. If you want, I’ll be happy to pull out a camera and film it. Show it to everyone. How the straight-laced, by the book Major Lorne is nothing but a fucking whore!” As he yells out he unloads into the condom. Exhausted from the exertion, he slumps down onto Evan.

Once he catches his breath Emerson pulls out. He ties off the condom and places it into another bag, zips up his suit and returns to his seat. “To your station, Major,” he says coldly.

For the next hour they continue their flight, returning to Earth in uncomfortable silence.

“Major,” Emerson says before Evan signals to be beamed off the ship. “I will meet you in your quarters at 1900 and we will have a serious discussion about my expectations. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

With a nod, Emerson allows Evan to beam away.

Once back at the SGC, Evan grabs a quick bite before heading back to his room. After stripping down he heads into the shower to let the warm water sluice away his stress. Standing under the water, he wonders how in such a regimented environment his body can have become even less under his control than when Jason was managing him.

Chapter 3

evan/daniel, nc-17, connecting the dots, non-con

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