Jul 20, 2006 18:32
Rain! I'm thoroughly soaked and thoroughly happy. I wasn't stumbling around out there like a mopey Marianne, not when this is the first rain in weeks.
Usually my brushes with precipitation are precipitous. I remember one rainy Saturday morning that saw me staggering to the public library to shadow a reference librarian. Old library school punishment. Not only was I angry for being forced out of bed at 8 a.m. to spend the day with a reference librarian (those fences mostly mended nowadays), but the rain was falling so fast and so hard that the Public Gardens ducks broke captivity and were paddling down Spring Garden Road. I shook my fist at the happy quackers as they floated by.
I squished and squelched into the library, leaving a sodden, sullen trail behind me. I left such a wet spot on one of the chairs that they had to pull it out of the public area. And the librarian taught me nothing! "How do you know what books to search for the answers?" I wanted to know. "You just know," she replied.
On the walk home, with the rain still sheeting down, I wanted to drown and be spared the rest of my degree. Eventually the sun came out, mentally and academically. But I never did feel welcome again at the library.
Today's entertaining combination? Earplugs and chewing gum. When used together (follow standard package directions, please) you are reminded of the sound of an old washing machine scrubbing 10 pairs of sneakers. Infinitely preferable to the cackling of old hens around the fax machine.