My new Cabin Pressure fic (read on A03)

Sep 29, 2014 19:00

Hello everyone!

Gosh, it's been so long I hardly remember how to post on LJ anymore! Shame on me. :(
Anyway, I'm still here. *waves* Real Life is basically sh*t and work is crazy as usual, no need to bore with the details. My lifeline in the past year has been the Cabin Pressure fandot, which I feel I should thank for having helped me keep my sanity.

Here's a little something I wrote to test whether I was still able to string together a decent piece of work without giving up in the middle. Hope you enjoy it.

Title: Liquid Revenge
Author: SYLVY ( space_oddity_75 )
Rating: teen and up for sensitive topics (namely, alcohol abuse)
Word Count: 1122
Beta-reader: the lovely J_Eagle
Characters: young Douglas Richardson, with mention of his first wife
Summary: A snippet of Douglas Richardson's past, on the day his first wife left him and took their young daughter Verity with her, leaving him alone to pick up the pieces.

Read on AO3:

As usual, comments and constructive criticism are welcome. Thanks.


fanfiction, cabin pressure, fandom, radio shows

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