my long-awaited London holiday & LFCC report

Jul 25, 2010 14:57

Hiya folks! I'm finally home after an eventful 10 days which included a short holiday in London (YAY!) and an even shorter business trip to Barcelona, inclusive of an air traffic control strike that left me sitting in a plane at BCN airport for three long hours before eventually taking off, grrr.

I had great fun in London with my friends Cla (florealpolla) and Ro, who first had the idea to go to the LFCC, being a huge fan of Ben Browder (of Stargate SG-1 and Farscape fame). So off we went to the land of Albyon, three girls with a handful of days in their hands and too many things to do and see in our favourite city. In short, we had a fab time, met many interesting people and definitely made the most of our holiday. :)

Big fun was had, gadgets & books were bought, IRN-BRU was drunk (by me, with unexpected effects). I even found the time to visit the Tate Modern with my friend fawsley and her fab husband Timbo, who took me to the Francis Alÿs exhibition currently hosted there (which I really liked and I wish to recommend).

At the LFCC I also briefly hung out with culf, while I missed a few other LJ friends I didn't know were attending. Sorry, girls. Next year, maybe?

Unfortunately, the quality of my camera is really poor and the premises at Earls Court 2 were badly lit with lamps casting a horrible yellowish light, so it was difficult to get decent pics unless you used the flash (which the actors don't exactly like). Anyway, here's a selection of pics for you to enjoy!

A nice little drawing made by florealpolla in view of our adventure :)

Close encounters of the Alien kind (I just had to kiss that little face, it was too cute to resist!)
Pic by florealpolla

Sexy vampire Aidan Turner (Being Human) rewarding me with a smile and two kisses on the cheeks for giving him a pack of typical Italian biscuits as a present! ;)

Nice ghost Lenora Crichlow (Being Human) smiling at the camera, allowing me to take a pic at her table because I'd missed the photoshoot earlier on (I queued for more than one hour and when I got to the reception desk to book the photoshoot, it was already sold out).

Cute werewolf Russel Tovey (Being Human) didn't hesitate and asked his assistant to take a pic of the two of us hugging each other. What a nice guy!

Tickets for the queue to have Ben Browder's autograph. Ro was elated! ;)
Pic by florealpolla

Ben the Man! He really looked good and was nice and smiley to everybody, in spite of the long queue of fans he had all day. Go, Ben!
Pic by florealpolla

The Q&A with Ben was really funny. Especially when he did his best Tea'lc impression by sticking a small coin in the middle of his forehead and saying 'Hello, I'm an alien. No need for prostethics here!' LOL!
Pic by florealpolla

Ben and yours truly. Not my best face, not my worst either. All in all, I think it turned out pretty good.

With culf in her Mirrorverse-Kirk outfit, which looked really good on her. :)

Culf would not be Culf if she wasn't harming Sam Tyler in some way. ;)

Girls and their toy-boys! ;)

Our holiday is over... *insert heavy sigh*


Hope you enjoyed the pics. Hopefully, there'll be more next year after the new LFCC.
Bye for now!


conventions, being human, holidays, stargate sg-1, friends, london, farscape

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