some news & a meme while I try to forget the heat...

Jul 09, 2010 16:21

Yup, still alive. Up to my eyeballs in work, but already thinking about next week, when I'll be on holiday in London with my friends Cla & Ro. Can it be July the 15th soon, pls?

We're going to the LFCC, of course, and I most definitely want to meet the few actors there that are somewhat important to me, namely Russel Tovey, Aiden Turner & Lenora Crichlow (Being Human), Ben Browder (Stargate SG-1 and Farscape), Elizabeth Sladen (Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures), William B. Davies (The X-Files) and Tony Marshall (Life on Mars). Will probably also queue up for an autograph by good old William Shatner (Star Trek), although he's bloody expensive and I don't know if my finances will allow that. Oh, well. I'll see what to do about it when I'm there.

Looking forward to meet up with culf at the con, and possibily with fawsley somewhere in London. If anyone else would like to join me and my friends for a drink while we're in town, just let me know and we'll arrange that. We're in London from July 15th to 19th, so there's plenty of time for a pint and a chat, if you feel like spending some time with silly old me. :)


And now, a little one-word meme for you, because I'm tired, bored, and hate working like a donkey on a bloody hot Friday afternoon, so I need some distraction:

* Where is your cell phone: charging
* Spouse: out
* Your hair cut: boring
* Your mother: home
* Your father: home
* Your favorite thing: theatre
* Your dream last night: good
* Your favorite drink: beer
* What room are you in: office
* Your hobby: internet
* Your fear: dying
* Where do you want to be in 6 years: here
* Where were you last night: bed
* Something that you aren't: punctual
* Muffins: blueberry
* Wish list item: DVDs
* Last thing you did: pee
* What are you wearing: t-shirt
* TV: useless
* Pets: cats
* Friends: few
* Your life: crazy
* Your mood: hopeful
* Missing someone: grannies
* Drinking: water
* Your car: old
* You are not wearing: shoes
* Your favorite store: H&M
* Your favorite colour: yellow
* When is the last time you cried: today
* Where do you go over and over: internet
* Five people who email me regularly: friends
* My favorite place to eat: paelleria
* Favorite place I'd like to be right now: London


holidays, meme, friends, london, real life, fandom

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