A little update...

Aug 02, 2008 14:18

Nothing interesting going on in my life right now. I'm trying to stay afloat in a sea of business papers I need to register and archive, but apart for that my summer has been quite uneventful so far. :(

I took a customer from Hong Kong to the Central railway station in Milan yesterday. After he'd left I decided that, since I was in town, I might as well go and raid the Feltrinelli bookstore in Piazza del Duomo. Well, unsurprisingly I ended up with 5 books for me (4 of them in English), one for my daughter and one for my dad. As my friends falena84 and misscam say, the only attractions worth visiting in Milan are the bookstores! ;)


Fun stuff: sottobosco made some LOL-tastic Torchwood macros over at algiztree. Here's my favourite:


Thanks to the lovely sarie_gamgee, last week I finally had the chance to watch the whole series of Teachers from beginning to end: 4 seasons, 40 episodes incl. the specials. I must say I enjoyed it more than I originally thought I would, especially because the Kurt/Brian duo made me laugh so much. Navin Chowdhry and Adrian Bower were hilarious! No wonder the 4th season went downhill after they left. :(


books, adrian bower, real life, other fandoms

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