What's in your bag?

Jul 11, 2008 14:43

The bag meme, stolen from fawsley:

This is my current bag, which I bought in Zaragoza (Spain) only a few weeks ago. It's always bulging and very heavy to carry. Here's what I've found in it today:

- a mosquito repeller, useful if I stay out in the evening.
- my makeup bag with: a little mirror, some powder, a black eye pencil, a lip pencil, two Body Shop lipsticks and a lip balm.
- two London Tube tickets that I use as bookmarks.
- the book I'm currently reading (Lewis Carrol's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking-Glass).
- my home & car keys, kept together by my Elling fob.
- an automatic pencil and two pens (one has a Dalek on it), which I use to take notes or to underline the most interesting sentences in the book(s) I'm reading.
- my black Mickey Mouse purse, which I bought in Epcot (Florida) a few years ago.
- my mobile phone (cheap and easy to use. Unlike Sam Tyler, I'm not in love with mobile technology). You can't see the back, but it sports a tiny glowing butterfly (which lights up when I'm calling or receiving), a sticker with a little angel & a little devil and an iridescent 'Vote Saxon' sticker.
- a pack of chewing gums,
- a little black coin purse (a present from a friend who works as a volunteer in Nepal and sells Nepalese handmade things to raise some funds for the community he's helping).
- a packet of paper tissues.
- the little Doctor Who Adventures notepad I use to take fic notes (goes together with the Dalek pen). If people look at me strangely when I use it, I just smile and say it's my daughter's! ;)


silliness, meme, real life

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