Unbeknownst to you chapter 1

Jun 18, 2005 10:26

Title - Unbeknownst to you, I cry myself to sleep.
Band - SP
Rating - PG - 13..for some language and crude humor
Pairing - Seb/Pierre hint of David/Chuck
Summary - Sebastien is a new kid, and a punk...Pierre is a jock, and is instructed to show Sebastien around for the first day or so until Seb gets use to the new school...What happens when Pierre finds himself falling for the least unlikely person? Will love ensue, or will they find themselves hating each other?
Disclaimer - I do not own any of them, this is purely imagination...what SP does in their spare time is there own business...though I wish this did happen...*sob..sob..*
A/N The story will probably be between Seb's POV and Pierre's POV

Chapter 1-

The next few days went by basically uneventful, with the exception of running into Pierre a few times. He didn't say anything to me, but I knew something was going to happen. It was the way of life, the calm before the storm if you will. David and I became fast friends, and he showed me around school, and had me meet his friends. They were pretty cool.

"Sebastien? Are you paying attention?" Mr. Rosenbaum asked me.

"Sorry, I was still copying down the notes." I lied quickly. Actually, I was doodling in my notebook. David gave me a sympathetic look, knowing that I hate to be put on the spot like that. Since algebra II was the last period of the day, I glanced at the clock to see how much time was left. Five minutes, five long minutes of Mr. Rosenbaum drone on in his monotone voice that can put even an insomniac to sleep.

"Seb, you need a ride home?" David asked as soon as the bell rang

"Nah, I think my mom is picking me up."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. Watch yourself, you don't know what Pierre's capable of."

"I will, bye." I said, walking out of the room with him, he went one way and I went the other, to my locker. I started to gather up my homework, which was just algebra, and shoved it in my bookbag. 'For such an evil guy, Pierre is kind of cute.' No, no, no, don't think like that, he hates you remember? And you hate him. As I was thinking, I wasn’t watching where I was going. I ended up running into Pierre's friend. I didn't know his name, but I saw him hanging around Pierre today at lunch

"Well, well, well, looky here. What? Don't just stand there without saying anything. You should say you’re sorry, slut." Pierre's friend sneered. I shivered, I can't stand that word. I had a quick flashback of when dad called me a slut.

"Pat, lay off. Can't you ever quit with that shit?" Pierre said quietly. So quietly that I almost didn’t hear him. I was shocked. Pierre, the person who threatened my every waking moment at this school was telling his friend to lay off me? This just didn’t seem right. Maybe he saw the fear in my eyes, or maybe he wanted to beat me up himself.

"Aww, has Pierre gone soft for the new kid?"

"You heard me Pat, lay off, save it for another day. Besides, I saw Mr. McClellan a few minutes ago. He said he was headed to the library, so he'll be coming this way soon." Pierre was reasoning with him so he wouldn’t touch me.

"Yeah whatever, stay here and defend your little bitch. I really don’t care." Pat said and stalked off.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Don’t ask questions, just say thank you."

"But you hate me. Why would you hold Pat off like that."

"You want the truth?"


"Fine," He sighed. "You were scared. I could see it in your eyes. Something sparked some sort of fear when he called you a slut. You tensed up like you were waiting for him to hit you. I don’t know what happened to you, I might want to know, later, but for now lets just leave it at that. You were afraid. Simple as that. And for Pat, he was pissed because he failed his science test."

"H-how could you tell I was scared?" I stuttered out.

"The look in your eyes, like you needed to protect yourself from someone. Your eyes darkened to a navy blue color."

"It just doesn’t make sense, if you hate me, why did you save me?"

"You just looked so, I don’t know, frightened, I felt compelled to help you. Im not that bad of a guy once you get to know me. Now you owe me, for saving you from Pat." Oh great, I owe him...I don’t know what though. For once since I met Pierre, I could actually see myself getting together with him.

"There’s my mom, I've gotta go." Somehow, we had walked to the front of the building. I couldn't tell you how though.

"Hey, do you think we could, you know, like talk again sometime?" he asked hesitantly.

"Um, sure. I guess." I wrote my phone number on his hand. "Call me..if you want to that is." Mom honked the horn, telling me to hurry up.

"Bye." He whispered, but I didn't hear.

That evening when I got home, I took a shower, then decided to go to bed. It was a Friday night, but I was tired and I was getting a headache from trying to sort out my feelings for Pierre. I started thinking about what Pat had said. Maybe I am a slut, just going after Pierre because he was hard to get. Maybe I deserved to be beaten. That night, I cried myself to sleep as the memories of dad came flooding back.

well? Was it totally pathetic? Thanks for reading.
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