Unbeknownst chapter 2

Jun 18, 2005 10:29

Title - Unbeknownst to you, I cry myself to sleep.
Band - SP
Rating - PG - 13..for some language and crude humor
Pairing - Seb/Pierre hint of David/Chuck
Summary - Sebastien is a new kid, and a punk...Pierre is a jock, and is instructed to show Sebastien around for the first day or so until Seb gets use to the new school...What happens when Pierre finds himself falling for the least unlikely person? Will love ensue, or will they find themselves hating each other?
Disclaimer - I do not own any of them, this is purely imagination...what SP does in their spare time is there own business...though I wish this did happen...*sob..sob..*
A/N The story will probably be between Seb's POV and Pierre's POV
a/n chapter 2 is Pierre writing in his journal

chapter 2 -

[Pierre's POV]

September 19, 1997

As soon as Sebastien ran into Pat, I knew there was gonna be hell to pay. I didnt know what was going to happen, but I knew something bad was going to happen.

".....slut." Pat sneered. There was a flicker of something in Sebastien's eyes, I couldn't quite tell what it was, but his eyes got darker, and he tensed, as if waiting to be hit. As soon as Pat left Sebastien asked me why I saved him. I told him because he looked scared. Something had obviously happened before he moved here. I just don’t know what. His eyes just had that genuine look in them that said 'I'm terrified, help me.' For some reason, I feel myself becoming attracted to him. Wait a minute, what am I saying? He's a guy, I'm a guy, I shouldn't like him. But for some reason, I feel like I need to protect him. He looks so innocent.

He gave me his number. I'm wondering whether or not to call him. He said to call...if I wanted to, and I do want to, its just that I'm scared.

Earlier I couldn't bring myself to hurt Sebastien. I just couldn’t. Pat is gonna be pissed at me on Monday, but he'll get over it. I couldn't let Pat hurt Sebastien when he'd already been through so much. What he has been through, I don’t know, but I'm determined to find out.

On other news, dad was fired. He came home all drunk and madder then hell, so I left, I went for a walk. There’s no way I'm gonna be his punching bag again. He hasn’t hit me in a while, and he only hit me once, but it hurt so fucking bad.

No matter what, I can't stop thinking about Sebastien. I don’t know why. Ugh, I'm so fucking confused....there’s no way I can be gay, just no way.....when I was skateboarding earlier I fell and hit my head on the sidewalk. Damn it hurt.

Tim wants to go out with Lisa. Tim's my older brother. Lisa is my friend. Why he wants to go out with her is unknown to me...

Well, I am tired, so I am going to bed - Pierre Bouvier

sorry that was short, but im really, really tired. Comments are welcome
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