You'd think that on a Friday I'd be all HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. Yeah, not so much. I don't know. I think I've just reached the point of saturation with my job that everything about it irritates me. And as much as I'd loved to cash in and retire, I really do need to hang on for at least four more years. Four long, tedious years. sigh
Made it to Zumba last night. How is it that it seems harder now than when I first started? LOL Anyway, I can't go tomorrow morning since I'm participating in the American Heart Association walk. My employer sent out an email about getting employees to walk, and I signed up right away. We didn't have to get sponsors or anything, we just need to show up and walk. Three miles. Easy peasy. I do that on my lunch hour easily. The HR Director even pre-registered us.
So, work just came in so that's all for today. :-(
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